1000 Islands Region Canadian Waters

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Veteran Member
Dec 27, 2019
United States
I'm heading up to the 1000 islands region of NY for along weekend with my family. It just dawned on me that the Covid crap is still an issue on the Canadian border, but does it also restrict access to Canadian waters (not anchoring just passing through)?

This region is shared by US/NY and Ontario CAN, and there are times you find yourself in Canada and didn't even realize you crossed over.

Has anyone dealt with this yet? We're not planning on purposely going into Canadian waters, but there are a few bays and channels we visit that literally split/share the border. You can easily toss your CAN neighbor a cold one and have a chat.

Figured it was worth the ask. Thanks!
You should be ok if you bump into Canadian waters, but you can't anchor, touch land, interact with another boat, etc. while you're in Canadian waters.
Mr. B. It is as Mr. rs describes. NO anchoring, touching land or contact with other vessels (I'm assuming Canadian vessels). The St. Lawrence is considered "shared" international territory with the above limitations.

You may be stopped by Canadian authorities but I VERY much doubt you'll be charged IF you haven't broken the rules.
Things are in a very fluid state of change...
Pre covid no problem if you didn't anchor, fish, go ashore, etc.
Lately I've been told folks have been warned of fines for ENTERING CN waters but not cited.
Things are opening up but not sure if all LEO are on the same page. We played it safe and stayed on the right side of the border line on charts... modifying routes that previously ignored borders.
I was through there this year and last, on the Canadian side.

Last year the Canadian authorities were very much in evidence on the water. They were stopping all the day boaters in Canadian waters and sending US boats back to US waters.

This year things are very much more relaxed. As long as you're abiding by established rules I can't see a serious problem. Canada will open to vaccinated US tourists in a few weeks. Nobody's on the lookout for you.
I cruised the Detroit River a few years ago. While technically, you could be in Canadian waters as long as you didn't touch anything, the Canadian authorities were chasing anyone who got too far over the border line back to the US side.
Be careful Canadians are sometimes too much welcoming! [emoji3]


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