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  1. 2bucks

    Old Name

    Spray on oven cleaner. The lye disolves the vinyl and glue. Ken
  2. 2bucks

    Engine Room Storage

    *I never put food stuffs in the engine area. We have plenty of other storage for it, and then nothing ever can pick up any engine room smells. Just a personal quirk maybe, but that's my rule. I do carry lots of spares, extras, replacements and tools there though.
  3. 2bucks

    Portable Tachometer

    *never had a problem with mine...just have to get the hang of it and use the other "foot" that looks like the bottom of a door stop and has a flat face. as long as you have it n hand..calibrating your tachs is a good idea...but that's the thing with alt driven tachs...your never sure if they...
  4. 2bucks

    Tires (Trawler related, well, sort of)

    We have a trusted friend drive our vehicles when we're gone. We've found that is much better for the vehicles in general and the batteries in particular. The computers in the newer cars continue to drain the battery and after a couple of months of no use we find them completely dead. The tires...
  5. 2bucks

    Color me gone

    Interestingly my post was completely removed. I commented in that thread, that directly after the admonition to keep on topic, something about Summer in the PNW, was a thank you to the censor from Bonhommy. I asked how that was related and on topic to summer moorage in the PNW. Now my post is...
  6. 2bucks

    OTDE - Has... err, Had its place!

    * With all respect, I suspect you and your friend don't deliberately look for the most volatile, partisan subjects you can find and aggressively throw them in each others faces. I've seen what passes for ciivilized discourse on OTDE, and many of the threads start off as an attack on "the other...
  7. 2bucks

    OTDE - Has... err, Had its place!

    I have a friend that I met at work. We seem to talk about dozens of subjects when we get together, not just work things which is where we met. I was at the grocery store and they sell magazines. You don't eat magazines, you don't grow magazines, why would they sell something totally unrelated...
  8. 2bucks

    Portable Tachometer

    Often you'll find that the tach in the picture will have a pointed tip for use with shafts that have an indentation for a puller or on a regular tach drive fitting. Getting the point to sit and stay in position on a bolt head such as is found on the front of a Lehman engine or most other diesels...
  9. 2bucks

    Battery Diaper

    Guess the link didn't work.
  10. 2bucks

    Using your boat

    I only use my boat (live aboard cruising) in the warm months. June - mid Sept. I like cruising the PNW so that's where the boat lives. The 7 winter months I spend in the south where it's warm, in the motorhome. The 2 other months are spent catching up with friends while living at the stick and...
  11. 2bucks

    Battery Diaper

    Try this site . Go down to the acid absorbing/neutralizing mats close to the bottom of the page. They are expensive but you won't use too many. I'd also suggest...
  12. 2bucks

    PNW Summer Berthing

    I was out once when it snowed instead of rained as predicted. Then last week the weatherman predicted winds of 40-60 mph here in Phoenix and the anemometer only got to 22 mph. There are bad predictions everywhere. Ken
  13. 2bucks

    PNW Summer Berthing

    Marin forgot to mention all the debris and logs frequently found in Bellingham Bay. IIRC the majority of his friends and aquaintences have had damage to their boats from running over said debris. He also advises that the winds in the Islands can be double the prediction, causing difficult...
  14. 2bucks

    Confined to Quarters

    Good God! We're going to be singing Kumbaya here before long. Give the reprobates a strict talking to. If you have repeat action, as at least one of the current offenders is, give him time on the beach. Revoke his posting privledges for 30 days. If he decides to come back it's with the...
  15. 2bucks

    Confined to Quarters

    I think it was brought on by whomever threw the skippers palm tree overboard. MR. ROBERTS........
  16. 2bucks

    Boat explosion at Port Orchard Yacht Club

    Thanks. We've been doing the google thing trying to find central. We're now looking further afield so we'll be looking at Glendale parks when we go to the games at Maryvale and Camelback Ranch parks. I'm guessing there is no perfect park, but we want to find the best spot for us that we can. I...
  17. 2bucks

    Boat explosion at Port Orchard Yacht Club

    We're at the Eagles View by the casino near Fountain Hills until tomorrow. We move to Deserts Edge just north of the 101 on the 17 tomorrow. We wanted to be a little closer to the BB fields for spring training. We're still looking for a RV park in a decent neighborhood for next year if you...
  18. 2bucks

    Boat explosion at Port Orchard Yacht Club

    Most important report is that my boat is ok. Problem was 4 boathouses down from mine. Since I'm in AZ, it was good to hear from my buddy that the fire went out quickly and hopefully I'll have only minor oil scum in the boathouse...
  19. 2bucks

    Propane Fueled Outboards

    * *Sure, an old oil pail. I think you may be thinking open top pail and no, I don't use one of those. Buying oil in 5 gallon pails from the jobber is the best way to get some oils. Hydraulic, transmission and even motor oil if your engine sump is very large. For instance, my motorhome has a C9...
  20. 2bucks

    Propane Fueled Outboards

    *Fortunately you had the good sense to buy a Beaver. ;-) Ken
  21. 2bucks

    Propane Fueled Outboards

    *I carry gasoline for the outboard, propane for the stove/oven, and diesel for the main propulsion, generator, heat, hot water. I buy diesel once, sometimes twice a* year. Pull up to the dock, put the hose in and wait until full. I buy gasoline once per year. I dump whatevers left to a pail to...
  22. 2bucks

    dual bow rollers

    *That didn't take long.
  23. 2bucks

    dual bow rollers

    OK, pop quiz, Where is Marins Bruce anchor? Or what does he say he uses it for? First correct answer gets a free drink whenever they see me. Ken -- Edited by 2bucks on Saturday 11th of February 2012 08:46:38 PM
  24. 2bucks


    I seldom use mine (never?) for hinges. But I use it often for starting holes in other places. Everything from cable hangers to picture frames. Often a lot quicker and easier than taking the cordless drill.
  25. 2bucks

    boat explodes - I wonder if this is propane?
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