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  1. V

    Work while cruising

    My purpose in posting was to alert you to the potential ramifications and recommend you do some research before doing it. I was a South Dakota resident and did some work in Virginia for a Virginia-based company. Received a 1099 at year end and included it on my federal taxes. Did not file...
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    Work while cruising

    In the motorhome world, working on the road is called "work camping" so I guess this is "work cruising". The tax implications of doing this are potentially severe since legally, you are creating a tax liability in nearly every state you might do it in. Some states tax your entire income even...
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    I vote for the Deltaville area also. I don't know what your draft is but the channel into Jackson Creek can be pretty shallow around low tide. If you happen to arrive around low tide or after dark, you can continue up the Piankatank River a short ways and anchor in Fishing Bay. It's well...
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    Teak Guard

    I used teak guard on the trim of my last boat, a small Grady White that was 20 years old. The teak was all gray, the surface severely weathered and in some areas, black. I removed it from the boat, sanded it smooth and applied several coats of teak guard. Three years later, when I sold the...
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    Buying a Boat

    Great post. Really enjoyed it. Look forward to your next post.
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    Pascoe Books?

    I agree with RickB. So much of what Pascoe says reflects his personal bias, and not the real world implications of the issue. My disillusionment occurred when I read a review (not a survey) of a Grady White model that I owned, same model year. His biases were obvious as the same issues in...
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    Don is on the right track. On similar installations in motor homes, you have to remove the trim to gain access. The trick is figuring out how the trim is attached. Good luck. Gary
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    Hendo's Randall 35 Cray Boat complete rebuild, Perth, Western Australia

    I don't believe in coincidences and I don't think this was mindless aggression. You are at your neighbor's B'day party and your car gets vandalized. Subsequently, the B'day boy is attacked. This is too focused to be random. Someone has it in for the boy maybe because they weren't invited to the...
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    Hendo's Randall 35 Cray Boat complete rebuild, Perth, Western Australia

    BruceK - I just noticed that you're in Sydney. We flew into Sydney and stayed several days in a Marriott hotel downtown. The day after arrival I went out for a run around the harbor. There was nothing foreign - it was like being in any other city in North America until I went to cross the...
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    Hendo's Randall 35 Cray Boat complete rebuild, Perth, Western Australia

    Guess I shouldn't be surprised. Consumption of the big brands is way off in the US, too, and boutique breweries are growing. Was the relaunch just a marketing campaign or did they change the brew? I rarely drink the mass produced beers preferring instead the small local brews, usually ales...
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    Hendo's Randall 35 Cray Boat complete rebuild, Perth, Western Australia

    About 15 years ago, my wife and I spent three weeks in eastern Australia and had a great time. I fell in love with Vitamin B but it apparently isn't imported into the US. Managed to get some from a guy who worked in the Aus embassy in Wash. DC once and haven't seen it since. We flew home to...
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    Proper radio communication when encountering a barge on a river

    >>Just had a court case of a tow running over an open fishing boat at >>night near the Sequayah Nuclear Plant. Loss of life was involved. Fishing >>boat was anchored in the channel. Moonstruck - I'm curious - what was the outcome of the court case? I'd expect the fishing boat to be found at...
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    Winter reading

    Like many of you, I have little time for reading fiction. My wife introduced me to recorded books so now I listen to fiction while I drive or do other more or less rote tasks. The problem with recorded books is the reader can make or break the story. Some are great (George Guidall, for...
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    Looking for a live-aboard trawler

    My thanks to all who responded to my post, especially Healhustler. There were many considerations mentioned that I had not thought about. Great forum which really means great members. My head is spinning over this trawler cat stuff. I did not go aboard the PDQ at Trawler Fest, certainly a...
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    I can tell you with certainty that running with any lights other than nav lights on more than intermittantly will get you stopped and a citation from one of the many law enforcement agencies on the water - CG, Marine Police, Sheriffs, police depts, and game wardens. VA regulations say very...
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    Looking for a live-aboard trawler

    My better half and I decided we'd like to spend the next chapter of our lives living aboard a boat and spending the winters in milder climates. Previously, we spent over five years living in a 40' motor home traveling all over the US and spending the winters in southern locales. As we did...
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    Boat Insurance Experience/Your thoughts

    This is an interesting thread. I've been involved with casualy insurance companies for many years as an employee and consumer. As an employee, I designed and wrote computer software in support of all aspects of casualty insurance. Sailor is right about Lloyds. Members used to be known as...
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    An interesting place to visit

    For those of you into steam locomotives, you might be interested in this place. I had the pleasure of visiting the museum 7 or 8 years ago and was absolutely capitivated by the engines on display and the stories behind their creation - hand carved...
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    Oscillating Multitool uses

    *I bought the cheapo version from Harbor Freight just to try the tool concept (I'm a skeptic) and it has been a great addition to my tool box.* I'm a contractor and it's saved my butt on several occasions.* I*use it frequently and it's going on 2 years.* I can't imagine how a more expensive...
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    Cool boat

    Looks like a serious offshore boat to me.* Look at that bow and the small windows.* Gary
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    Sold Boat, Bought RV?

    We haven't done it but we became friends with a couple who had lived full time aboard a sail boat for many years and now full-timed in a motorhome.* They really liked it that weather rarely prevented them from moving and that they could just pull over if conditions deteriorated below their...
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    Hello Florida!

    Hi, Eric.* Wife and I will be in Ft. Lauderdale at the end of the month, unfortunately flying in.* If you are still in the area, would love to meet up with you. Gary - No trawler yet, just a 23' Grady White Gulfstream -- Edited by VAtrawlerguy on Saturday 5th of November 2011 07:13:57 AM
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    Fuel Capacity

    Thanks, Benn.* I enjoyed that thread and some of your others.*As others said, that Gardner is a nice looking engine. All are*very informative and entertaining.* Thanks for posting. Gary
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    Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel - Anything to worry about????

    When ULSD first came out, we in the diesel motor home community encountered seepage problems with gaskets and fuel lines in older engines/fuel systems, roughly pre- 2003. Cummins had problems with the diaphram in the lift pump and initially they sold a replacement diaphram but soon switched...
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    Fuel Capacity

    >> Now with the Gardner fitted ... Hi, Benn.* I was hoping someone else would ask so I wouldn't have to show my ignorance.* What is the Gardner and what does it do?* Where'd you get it and what was the cost?* That's a big boost in fuel economy. * Thanks.* Gary
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