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  1. P

    Fuel Shock

    Chincoteague, VA prices 5.74 at the local gas stations, 5.99 at the marina, and 5.14 is what I was quoted from Pepup.
  2. P

    Fuel mileage efficiency

    The Ford Lehman manual doesn't say anything about operating in warmer or lower seawater temperatures. Provided your heat exchanger, raw water pump, and seawater strainer are working correctly, you shouldn't see a difference because the thermostat is regulating the engine temperature at 160, 180...
  3. P

    Fuel mileage efficiency

    On the topic of efficiency, think about thermo-efficiency? What temp thermostat is everyone using? I noticed a nice brown haze coming up the eastern shore and my temperature gauge reading only around 160. Swapped out to a 180 degree thermostat and the haze has gone away. Considering going to a...
  4. P

    Looking for rookie stories...

    I made the leap because I saw it cheaper than finding an Apartment to rent in Connecticut. Right now I'm going through what to move onboard from the house, and what has to go into storage.
  5. P

    AC when away from the boat

    Given that I'm using my boat as a liveaboard I'm running the AC constantly. If you're worried about flooding your boat over the electric bill, replace the hoses and double clamp them.
  6. P

    New Owner to 41' Present

    Hello Just bought a 41' trawler a couple weeks ago as a liveaboard while I'm in Connecticut. Took her for a shakedown cruise from Deltaville to Cape Charles to Chincoteague, the Chesapeake Bay really shook me down.
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