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1980 36' Steel Trawler $39,000 Everett, Washington

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Mark Commins

Jul 9, 2018
Necessity Cove was built by William R. “Bill”Brees a highly regarded metal boat builder in the PNW (see Passagemaker April 2019 issue). He modified the Bruce Roberts’ 36 Cutter design to yield a long range, efficient power cruiser. Brees built the boat in Priest River Idaho, launched it in the Snake River and cruised with his young family to Mexico. He later cruised in the San Juans and dry stored the boat in Anacortes.
Circa 2005, a master mariner (originally from Alaska) acquired the boat and began a redesign of the superstructure and running gear. His intent was to build an extremely reliable, “bulletproof” boat suitable for cruising SW Alaska. He installed a new John Deere 4045DFM mechanical diesel, ZF 3:1 transmission, 2” stainless drive shaft, Norscot dripless shaft seal and a 26 x 18 prop. Importantly, the engine is keel cooled and it exhausts via a dry stack. No salt water is circulated aboard. The engine currently has only 700 hours of use.
The steering is a 45 degree, dual ram quadrant system, rated by its manufacturer as suitable for vessels to 47’. The pump is gear driven and the system includes a 6 gal. stainless steel reservoir. The rudder was widened (wedged, per tug boat talk) at its aft edge to amplify turning effect, making the boat highly maneuverable.
The main fuel tank holds 240 gal. and there is a 20 gal stainless steel day tank with site gauge. Fuel entering the day tank first passes through a Racor 1000FH filter/separator and on exit to the engine passes through a dual Racor 500FG array with vacuum gauge.
Necessity Cove was mentioned in Trawler Forum back in 2012. The thread still exists. this is an interesting trawler for Eric? My purchase of her was not until 2018 and was from a subsequent owner, who did not upgrade the systems, living quarters, etc. After purchasing, I ordered a thorough ultrasound survey of the hull which showed essentially no loss of thickness of the plating. The keel is built of ¼” steel and the hull above is built of 3/16” steel.
I have a current Craigslist ad Diesel Trawler Steel Hull - boats - by owner - marine sale - craigslist that includes more detail and pictures.
I won't be replacing the boat, so the moorage may be taken over by the boat buyer. The written policy of the Port of Everett Marina allows this providing new owners meet the insurance and credit requirements. I own the url "www.NecessityCove.com" and will include that in the boat sale. There is currently no webpage built.
While we didn’t do any long range cruising, Necessity Cove has been a wonderful boat for fishing and crabbing with our grandkids. I’m leaving it up to the next owner to finish tying together some of the systems.


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You mentioned Mastec in the ad, but you don't mention the boat insulation. That would be one of the main things I would look for in a steel boat. Spray foam, insulation blocks, blanketing, etc?

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