Forum Update - We're back! Ask your questions here.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Thank you Janet
Please remove this from every for sale post.

  • Trawler Forum Classified Posting Guidelines
    • We expect ads placed to be related to the topic of this forum.
    • Ads that are inactive for 180 days or longer may be moved to the Classified Archive and locked. Ads may be relisted if the item is still current. Alternatively, owners may contact a Moderator to reinstate an archived ad.
    • The Classified section is for advertising, members are asked to refrain from posting discussions to a Classified Ad. Please start a discussion thread or PM the owner for discussions.
    • Do not hijack another member's ad by posting unsolicited commentary. Example: if a member has posted an ad offering an anchor for sale, don't add a post to his thread stating that you have an anchor you'd like to get rid of also. Posts deemed as unsolicited commentary may be removed.
    • For your own security, do NOT include your e-mail or phone number in your ad. Instead request that interested parties contact you via PM (private message) to provide owners contact info.
    • Brokers, Dealers, or those with a commercial interest in a sale are prohibited from posting in Classifieds.
    • Only Trawler Forum Commercial Members may post ads in the Commercial section. You must be a designated Commercial Member to start threads in this section of the forum. (Contact a moderator if you have questions about this)
    • Don't post links to commercial sites where you are also offering the boat, such as eBay, Craigslist or Yachtworld, etc. unless it contains a more in-depth description, additional information or pictures.
    • Place only one ad per item (you may repost only when your ad has expired and been removed).
    For Sale ads MUST include:
    • Asking price
    • Location
    • A Basic Description
    • Clear statement whether you are the owner or non-owner (posting for friend, relative, or acquaintance)
    • Don't forget to select: FOR SALE, WANTED or FREE in the Title block.
    All ads should also include ALL the following:
    • Pertinent maintenance and condition information
    • Exterior picture or pictures
    • Interior picture or pictures (boats)
    For maximum impact & exposure, it is suggested the Ad Title include: Year, Manufacturer, Model, Length, Price, and Location or at the very top of the ad body. When your item has sold or the ad is no longer relevant: Please post a Reply to the ad that the item is SOLD or click "Report Post" on post 1 of the thread to ask a moderator to archive the ad. Ads may be moved or removed by our staff at any time for any reason. All ads must comply with site rules. Thanks for your cooperation.
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    Do not post your e-mail address or phone number in a classifieds ad.

    Hints that you may be dealing with a Scammer:
    • Seller or Buyer approaches you via a direct email or PM and then steers you to an off-site communication method (text or email).
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    • Recent forum membership
    • Insists on conducting negotiations via email or text rather than PM
    • Requires payment via Bank Transfer, BitCoin/CryptoCurrency, WesternUnion or other unsecured method.
    • Buyer or Seller suggests Paypal "Friends and Family" payment. Paypal is a good way to arrange payment but an invoice for goods and services should be used rather than "Friends and Family". "Friends and Family" avoids fees BUT there is no recourse if the transaction runs aground. Friends and Family is for gifts only. There is no protection for Friends and Family transactions, so never ever use it to buy something.
    • Declines to allow viewing the item before proceeding with the transaction.
A question, how do I delete messages from my mailbox?

I can highlight them, but delete doesn't show up as one of the desired actions.

Thank you!
Even logged in, unwelcome adverts now appear.
I use Mozilla Firefox with no ad-blockers, and I don't see any ads.
Windows 11 here. Running AdBlocker ultimate, no ads whatsoever.
Interesting. Windows 11, Firefox. Ads indicated Google as provider, could be closed, but when I closed asked why I closed. Not happening today and may it stay that way.
I may have missed it, but is there a way to upload a photo or file (.pdf for example) from your computer into a Conversation thread? When I click on what would be the logical button, I only get the possibility to enter a url. No place to "drop image" or browse computer to select a file that I can find.
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Attach files doesn’t work for you?

No. That button isn't there in Conversation (at least for me). Only the "Insert Quotes" button. I'm using the latest version of FireFox, if that matters.
I just checked and even insert picture wants a URL.
You are correct no insert from local source like seen here with paper clip Attach Files
Here's one method. I don't know of the browser makes a difference. I'm using the latest Firefox on Windows 11
Drag and drop.jpg
Well huh, I’m using Safari on an iPad. I see that Portage_Bay has the Attach files button, and he’s using FireFox on a PC. So 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Is that different than what I suggested in post #102? 🤔
Same thing. I wanted a graphic to show how it's done and actually use the method to post the image. I suspect Firefox users having trouble if they are using one of the two methods have something set in Firefox preventing non URL uploads. Firefox has a lot of options and protections that can be turned on or off. Or operating system settings. I'm able to use either method so it's not a forum software issue.
No. That button isn't there in Conversation (at least for me). Only the "Insert Quotes" button. I'm using the latest version of FireFox, if that matters.
I have used the button in conversations but have also seen cases where it doesn't immediately appear when starting a conversation... but does if / when you scroll down. Wondering if that's why some see differences.
Here are 2 screen shots from my tablet using Chrome to start a conversation.
The 1st is the initial screen as displayed when starting a conversation.
The 2nd is simply what is displayed after s rolling down a bit.


  • Screenshot_20241015_155158_Chrome.jpg
    68.1 KB · Views: 10
  • Screenshot_20241015_155213_Chrome.jpg
    63.3 KB · Views: 10
I can't post GIFs any more. Used to be simply cut and paste. Now I get:

Oops! We ran into some problems.
The uploaded file does not have an allowed extension. The following extensions are allowed: .txt, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .heic, .pdf
I can't post GIFs any more. Used to be simply cut and paste. Now I get:

Oops! We ran into some problems.
The uploaded file does not have an allowed extension. The following extensions are allowed: .txt, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .heic, .pdf
If RT Firefly is unable to post GIFs, the entire Trawler Forum experience has lost its mojo.
Mr. B. Mojo? More likely it would bring an increased air of respectability...

How the hell did I do that??????
Democracy at work. You raise an issue and it gets fixed. Me: Advertising, it stopped. You: posting gifs, now you can. "Simples"
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Reactions: Ted
Interesting. I am running FireFox 131.0.2 64bit on Windows 10 Home 22H2 build 19045.5011.
I still see no "Attach Files" button at the bottom of the Reply box IN CONVERSATIONS. I see an insert image button on the toolbar at the top of the Reply box, but it only has a field for a URL. No ability to select a local image file.

In normal threads, such as this thread, I DO see the "Attach Files" button and the insert image button in the toolbar DOES allow me to select a local image file.

I am experiencing the same behavior on my Opera (Windows) browser as well.
This is what I see when I reply to a post in CONVERSATIONS. (Red question marks are mine)
I liked having the TF app. Any plans to develop a new one?
This was the reply posted to a similar question in another thread...

"Posted on Cruisers Forum 9/27

In the coming days forum access via the mobile app will be discontinued and we wanted to make you aware of some other options so that your surfing won't be interrupted.

Our forums software already has a mobile view with this same functionality. Use a browser to access the forum instead of the app. Transitioning to this view on smaller screens is straightforward and we'll add convenient links at the top of the page to help you navigate to the mobile-friendly view. You will find those links right at the top of the list of forums as you log in. Click the desired link to toggle the view.

In the coming months, we'll be moving to new software (exciting details soon) so this current change is a temporary one. Deprecating the mobile app has been a difficult choice but we are taking this step in an abundance of caution as security concerns for this aging platform increase. We take member privacy seriously and believe that the inconvenience caused by this change is outweighed by broader privacy issues. Thanks for understanding.

Richard Cook"

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