Sausalito Sued over derelict Vessel

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Yep, would be interesting to hear the other side of the story as well. If the city did indeed do what the suit states it did (or didn't do), it sounds like there is a settlement in the works. Not sure where 2mil figure comes from except in some lawyers wet dreams though. Please post if you hear anything further on this!
Hires someone to do a refit in 2015. He moves it to a mooring and works on it for 1.5 years. That puts it in the 2016/2017 range. Tarp over boat, on a mooring. Authorities take interest in Aug 2017. Jan 2018 it breaks loose and drifts to a wharf.

That's like three years of a tech "refitting" the boat. On a mooring? Really? Why not on their dock, which is presumably close?

So a storm (??) breaks it free and it drifts. No body notices? The tech? The owners?

Sounds pretty abandoned to me. And where does the 2mil come from? Never seen a 2mil boat moored with a tarp over it for a matter of years.
Well said Mr. Ski. It should be very simple to determine ownership of any vessel that might be considered derelict. Look up the HIN and contact the last registered owner. Failing that, post intent of removal for a period of 3 or 4 months in newspapers and other media. Publicize it widely. No contact from "owners"? Gonzo. No recourse.

IF the suit is successful, that will open the doors for negligent owners to sue.
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Hires someone to do a refit in 2015. He moves it to a mooring and works on it for 1.5 years. That puts it in the 2016/2017 range. Tarp over boat, on a mooring. Authorities take interest in Aug 2017. Jan 2018 it breaks loose and drifts to a wharf.

That's like three years of a tech "refitting" the boat. On a mooring? Really? Why not on their dock, which is presumably close?

So a storm (??) breaks it free and it drifts. No body notices? The tech? The owners?

Sounds pretty abandoned to me. And where does the 2mil come from? Never seen a 2mil boat moored with a tarp over it for a matter of years.

Well said Mr. Ski. It should be very simple to determine ownership of any vessel that might be considered derelict. Look up the HIN and contact the last registered owner. failing that, post intent of removal for a period of 3 or 4 months in newspapers and other media. No contact from "owners"? Gonzo. No recourse.

IF the suit is successful, that will open the doors for negligent owners to sue.

I agree. You would think if a major refit is going on, it would be placed in dry dock. They also state they have a private dock.

Smells of fish!!!:eek::nonono:
$2M must be "an ambit" claim. While the "refit" seems atypical (anyone know the refit outfit?),a City which has a notification system and does something else could be at risk. That said,the only info is the owners case outlined by their lawyer.
Richardson Bay is always interesting! :facepalm: :eek: :rofl:
Mr. BK. Evidently THIS is the refit company...

$59k in annual income?!? Looks like someone has set up a "business" for a tax write off. Case is looking more and more like a pipe dream using a shyster lawyer. If they win, I may look into investing a few hundred $$ in a floating hulk or two, and waiting for a city to seize and destroy. Hey, a few $2mil payoffs and I can retire!:D
Mr. s.


The case of the "owners" does sound very "fishy"at best. However, if the City did not follow the law or their own written procedures and processes, then they may have "opened themselves" up to problems??

Hopefully, even if the judge does rule against the City, he/she will write the award very carefully so as not to make it too onerous for derelict boat removal in the future. It has become a big problem for many locations!!!
This organization primarily operates in the Business Consulting, nec business / industry within the Engineering, Accounting, Research, and Management Services sector. This organization has been operating for approximately 4 years. Krew is estimated to generate $59,073 in annual revenues, and employs approximately 2 people at this single location.

30K is not a lot to live off there, especially if you're underpaid for your expertise in those highly technical arenas. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Thanks for sending story, I took a drive by a few weeks ago on the boat and the anchorage is so full of live-aboard and derelict boats, there isn’t any room to anchor. This will be interesting to follow.
A boat like that meets my definition of "marine debris". There's plenty more in Richardson Bay where that one came from too.
Thanks for sending story, I took a drive by a few weeks ago on the boat and the anchorage is so full of live-aboard and derelict boats, there isn’t any room to anchor. This will be interesting to follow.

Yes. Look at all the radar targets:


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Quotes from article in link:
As many as 175 boats are moored in Richardson Bay off Sausalito, Calif.
It was reportedly one of 79 vessels that were destroyed.

Those numbers don't sound right. Makes it sound like they destroyed nearly half the boats in the harbor. Overly ambitious? How often does this happen?
Unmanned and adrift it becomes a hazard to navigation, and quite some liability to the owner.
Sounds like the owners would like to turn the tables on their own negligence?
Kind of a presidential move!
Google the vessel's owner, James Gollub. Appears to be a professional guy and presumably a person of some means. Seems unlikely that his boat was a floating POS along the lines of the fleet of derelicts in Richardson Bay.

Regarding Krew Inc.- According to the California Secretary of State web site, that corporation has a status of "FTB Suspended" which means he's in some tax trouble with the state. Sounds like a real mess all the way 'round.

On a related note- I searched for Krew Inc.'s Kevin Jacobs on Facebook. The closest match is a guy who lives in Marin County and is apparently a close friend of several members of my family (although I do not know him.) I can find nothing on his profile or photos that links this guy to Krew Inc. or this case, but it is certainly coincidental.
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The case of the "owners" does sound very "fishy"at best. However, if the City did not follow the law or their own written procedures and processes, then they may have "opened themselves" up to problems??

Hopefully, even if the judge does rule against the City, he/she will write the award very carefully so as not to make it too onerous for derelict boat removal in the future. It has become a big problem for many locations!!!

Off thread here a bit. I have noticed not a lot of derelict boats in Canada. Even in Nanaimo there are only a "few" boats that seem permanently anchored by New Castle Island.
Richardson Bay anchorage makes the Newcastle Island anchorage look like Gold Plater Row. I'd call the fact that only 79 or the 175 boats in Richardson Bay were destroyed an under reach, or the epitome of restraint. It is very rare to see a boat in there that is worth the cost of its own disposal. It is a Zombie anchorage, rife with the undead.

Yes that is a broad brush, but mostly accurate.
Yeah, silly poor people right? The nerve for someone to want to enjoy the lifestyle we all get to on a budget. So some of you don't like the look of a moored boat in public waters and root for the government to seize property and destroy it. No thanks, I'll take some run down boats over government intrusion any day, pretty sure that state's been nearly destroyed by the very attitudes shown here.
Assuming they are abiding by marine sanitation rules.... Yes? No? :D
Back in my days [mid 80's to mid 90's] of occasional weekend afternoons and nights bar hopping in Sausalito and Mill Valley area... I got to know a bit about the "clientele" living aboard boats in Richardson Bay. Eclectic group of buggers to say the least!

Some were retired old salts on a slim pension; usually nice guys or a couple too. Some simply worked the system and had little to no income. Others had plenty of money but liked living for free in an older anchor-only boat [or even a fairly recent nice one]. There were artists, engineers, teachers, mechanics, construction workers... etc. Many did hold down a job and came to shore nearly every day in a dink; bad weather outstanding. Then, of course, there were some way out druggies who were a dirty lot. They seemed to hang by themselves. I'm confident those type were robbers when opportunity presented itself.

All in all - Of course sanitation legalities were being ignored... I imagine same is true today. Having cruised through that area some times during the last decade and once in a while sitting on an over looking hill above Richardson Bay I've never seen a black water pump-out boat in the area. I imagine, many anchored in that bay could not afford a pump out.

On another note: Right now, 100 miles away, in SF Delta, where we dock our Tolly and pull behind runabout... there is a splurge of island and boat and marina office and mechanic shop robberies going on. Such as this seems to crop up about every 2 to 4 winters apart. Sheriff Patrol and Stockton are closing in on em! I'm often in contact with working persons as well as boating friends in the area. Hope this year our boats are spared. Two years ago two full 6 gallon old-school metal gas tanks and a new starter batt were ripped-off from out of our runabout. Boat next to ours had its Mercury 6 horse trolling motor lifted... nice for the robbers to have two tanks of gas and a new batt in our boat parked alongside! GEEEEZZZZZ!!!! :facepalm: :nonono: :mad:
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Yeah, silly poor people right? The nerve for someone to want to enjoy the lifestyle we all get to on a budget. So some of you don't like the look of a moored boat in public waters and root for the government to seize property and destroy it. No thanks, I'll take some run down boats over government intrusion any day, pretty sure that state's been nearly destroyed by the very attitudes shown here.

I’m sure there some poor and admirable people out there. Unfortunately, it’s starting to look like many neighborhoods in downtown SFO....I can take a few pics next time I’m out there and most will be appalled.
"’s starting to look like many neighborhoods in downtown (insert numerous left-coast cities here)....I can take a few pics next time I’m out there and most will be appalled."

I would not be appalled. I work in Seattle. Like numerous other left-coast cities, it's no different than many 3rd world countries. Google "Seattle is Dying" if you are interested in the truth.
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Unmanned and adrift it becomes a hazard to navigation, and quite some liability to the owner.

So should your boat get loose, the city can tow it and destroy it immediately?

Don't get me wrong, I am not someone screaming from the burning pile of tires about the civil rights being violated when cleaning up blight....

But it sounds here like some bureaucrats MAY not have known the difference between a derelict boat and a project in progress. (Of course that never happens :rolleyes: )

Let them present the evidence and the courts will make a decision. And no, 2 mil is stupid. I'm sure that IF the city is at fault there will be a reasonable, undisclosed settlement.

(And nice political stab in there.... You know that's poison on a forum right?)
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