Perkins TE6.354 Oil Pressure Switch

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Veteran Member
Sep 7, 2021
Vessel Name
Fleur de Lis
Vessel Make
1979 California Marshal 42
Have what appears to be a faulty Oil Pressure switch for my engine Alarms. Can anyone please tell me what PSI, thread size, and NC/NO switch I need to purchase? I believe it is a NC (Normally closed) but I have no idea what the pressure to operate the switch should be. Alarms were working, but have recently stopped. I have swapped alarms with a new one with the same results. I am showing the switch open with engine off, when I ground the switch, the Alarms work, so I am presuming it is a NC switch and the wiring is not the issue.

Thank you for your replies.
Most engine alarm switches such as you ask about are N.C. , not N.O. THat way they sound a very short alarm at startup time to tell you they are OK and then shut off as the oil pressure builds.

If the oil pressure drops then they sound the alarm(s).

Mine had a 10PSI trigger, different engine, but when it failed I replaced it with a 15 to give me a few more pounds of leeway.
Most engine alarm switches such as you ask about are N.C. , not N.O. THat way they sound a very short alarm at startup time to tell you they are OK and then shut off as the oil pressure builds.

If the oil pressure drops then they sound the alarm(s).

Mine had a 10PSI trigger, different engine, but when it failed I replaced it with a 15 to give me a few more pounds of leeway.
C lectric, thank you for your response and providing a Great Point about going with higher pressure for safety margins...
My 6.354s had 2 oil pressure senders. The one which was normally closed fed the oil pressure gauge and alarm. It had an additional sender that was normally open. It stopped the energizing current from flowing to the alternator until the engine had built up oil pressure to reduce the load on the engine during start up.

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