Now I know why y'all fish in BC

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Feb 16, 2015


  • jemsaaactqipspzafaku.jpg
    32.2 KB · Views: 84
Yeah, not really going to give a lot of credence to a reporter that writes...

"Maybe it's time to start realizing that prescription pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter remedies and illicit drugs are doing us – and our environment – far more harm than good."

Pretty broad statement. Personally, I know a lot of my own patients who would be blind without prescription pharmaceuticals. But who knows, maybe they would be better off if they couldn't see?
King County (Seattle) is not part of the PNW!!! They think they ARE the PNW!!! We just smile and laugh as we go by......
King County (Seattle) is not part of the PNW!!! They think they ARE the PNW!!! We just smile and laugh as we go by......
:thumb::thumb:I'd actually like to the defined boundaries of "PNW" because I, not now nor ever have considered BC South, Central or North Coast to be PNW either.


  • untitled.png
    21.6 KB · Views: 364
No agenda to their angle on the 'facts', right? Hardly what I'd consider unbiased journalism. I especially love this line...

"The obvious solution
Although Western pharmaceutical medicine arguably has some value, almost everything these drugs are designed to treat can be more effectively dealt with using natural methods which promote healing rather than dependence."
Never fear. The Washington State DNR has applied to make all of Puget Sound a No Discharge Zone. Should we assume that will include municipal sewage treatment plants or just the evil pleasure boats? I wonder which is the real polluter?
I'm waiting for the tests to come in from Victoria BC with 21 million gallons per day of untreated sewage dumped into the Straits. Could they be a contributor to the problem?
I'm waiting for the tests to come in from Victoria BC with 21 million gallons per day of untreated sewage dumped into the Straits. Could they be a contributor to the problem?

Dude this and lots of environmental issues are the result of our living practices .Is what it is. Pointing fingers to date has resulted in exactly what ?

Take a look at the dump under EPA regulations into Puget Sound from the US side of the fence. As an example.

I have to ask what it is that we are treating our waist for ? We all live in a garbage in garbage out society, based on our consumption of all things earthly.

At this point there is no silver bullet to our growing problem. Pharmaceuticals are an issue, and not just from the dump of unused product.

We are all dumping our shite into , on, and over our environment.

Pointing fingers, placing blame North or South of "borders" for political gains solves nada, nothing. Smoke and mirrors.

Standing up and suggesting the Boating community is to blame for unclean water ways makes great headlines, but changes very little. As an example.

We move the production the manufactured goods of our consumption to areas of the world with little to no environmental concerns. We wash our hands of it and believe we are saving the planet, when in all reality it saved a few bucks on a short term basis. Costing jobs and the chance to change our planet for the better. Yet cleans up nothing.

As consumers allot of the change has to come from us, what it is we consume that we then discard back to our planet.

I am old, nothing I do is going to change this, I have to consume, spend cash pay tax, etc etc, to be part of our society.

Some random thoughts on a windy , raining day loving the view out my window.
I am what you would call "remote", and I never set shrimp pots close in to ports. Back in the day the practice was "out of sight, out of mind". The military called it "deep six-ing", and everyone else just followed the practice. I worry about where all the old transformers and such with their pcb's went, and I cringe when I see shrimp pots right in front of the harbor in Whittier.

I don't worry about the salmon here, but I do like the smaller halibut since they have had less time to accumulate toxins from their food. I can't believe I used to catch crab off the floats inside the boat harbor and boil them on the dock... We could see the shrimp trawlers throwing the crab into the basin as they unloaded their catch, so we would toss the pots in as close to them as we could get.
AKDoug; said:
I can't believe I used to catch crab off the floats inside the boat harbor and boil them on the dock...
We used to fish for winter springs off the wharf at the paper mill in Powell River.:eek:
As a kid, we would use chicken necks in the arbor to catch dungees.....
Our fish in BC usually have stomachs full of Cheetos and poutine....sometimes other snack foods to.
Whatever was handy when they got the munchies from smoking BC bud.

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