You can find AIS units that are either NMEA 183 or NMEA 2000, that is they output data in one format or the other, depending on the particular unit.
Keep in mind that NMEA bus standards are both physical and data standards, and the data standards in particular have evolved.
What that means is that you may install an AIS receiver with a NMEA183 output, but your chart plotter may not be able to translate the information. I don't know about your unit, but an older unit may be designed to "listen" only for GPS data, for example, and so would not "hear" an AIS sentence. The GPS is sending location and speed information, whereas an AIS is using a GPS input along with data transmitted from another AIS and computing relative motion information as well as location and speed (of another ship) with other data.
So you can have an AIS Chartplotter or PC combo with NMEA 183 compatibility working together, or you can also have a combination working in NMEA 2000.
I haven't found a unit yet that translates NMEA 2000 AIS data into 183 format - maybe others have. I'm interested myself, since I have a NMEA 2000 GPS and bus, but my PC and Nobeltec are still using 183 protocol. Further complicating the issue for me is that most laptops these days are relying on USB inputs, and few have the older serial data ports which were simpler to wire for NMEA 183.
I'm also interested in other ideas, or information that is out there.