My last post

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May 30, 2016
Vessel Make
Helmsman 4304
This is my last post on TF. I am staying in the boating game and plan on doing it as long as possible. I will probably end up seeing some of you on the dock or at the Islands. I wish everyone the best and a happy new year - Fletcher.
I will be sorry to see you leave. Anything we can do to help?
May I ask why this decision if not too personal?

This is my last post on TF. I am staying in the boating game and plan on doing it as long as possible. I will probably end up seeing some of you on the dock or at the Islands. I wish everyone the best and a happy new year - Fletcher.

Ugghhh.....sorry to hear this. I hope the reason is benign. I'm pretty sure I speak for many on TF that we'd love to see you post again - that this is a hiatus vs a termination.

Regardless, thanks for your great contributions. I'm forever an optimist and will keep my fingers crossed you'll return, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Best regards

This is my last post on TF. I am staying in the boating game and plan on doing it as long as possible. I will probably end up seeing some of you on the dock or at the Islands. I wish everyone the best and a happy new year - Fletcher.

Oh my

Take good care. Fair winds and seas to you, and all of the best.
Mr. F. Indeed. Fair seas.

Sorry to hear that. Was there a particular reason? Feel free to PM me if it is an issue we should address as moderators. Best of luck in whatever you do!
Sorry that you are leaving. Can we help?
Okay, one more post :) I have been moving away from social media and forums in general over the past year for various reasons. Also, with the 2024 race in the US coming up, politics inevitably creeps in to threads in veiled ways and I am not up for it. With that said, no hard feelings on my part. I was simply saying goodbye to my virtual friends on here. Best.
Actually, since the demise of the infamous OTDE(Off The Deep End)free for all, the posts have been remarkably polite, in most cases.
Man, I always thought this was the one place I seldom saw politics. Still do.
Man, I always thought this was the one place I seldom saw politics. Still do.

At times it has been worse. However the mods do try to keep a close hold on it and they do a good job with it. If you notice a political post reprot it to the mods.
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Unfortunate but understandable. Scammers may create a profile of people on social media from their posts, it`s an ever present risk.
Mods do a good job on political posts but Fletcher is probably right about politics creeping in during the US election. Even here we hear far more about it than we`d like in news services etc. Sometimes it`s like we are treated as voters when obviously we are not.
Sorry to see you go, but I sure understand it. I purposely and firmly avoid all social media in my life except TF and lately a woodworkers forum called Lumberjocks. Only so much time and heads space in life. And then email is a huge life suck, at home and the office. Too much screen time by far. Best wishes, but feel free to lurk if you want, we won't mind.
Man, I always thought this was the one place I seldom saw politics. Still do.
I to am impressed with this group. I never see anything concerning. I think we all hang out on these types of media because we are interested in boats and want a break from all the drama. I am old enough to be able to read stuff and it just rolls off me if it enters the twilight zone.
Okay, one more post :) I have been moving away from social media and forums in general over the past year for various reasons. Also, with the 2024 race in the US coming up, politics inevitably creeps in to threads in veiled ways and I am not up for it. With that said, no hard feelings on my part. I was simply saying goodbye to my virtual friends on here. Best.

Ta, and hope our paths cross again.
Every time I see the thread title I think of the meaning of "The Last Post". Most poignantly played at military funerals and memorial events relating to deceased members of the armed forces, a haunting melody played solo on a bugle.
Okay, one more post :) I have been moving away from social media and forums in general over the past year for various reasons. Also, with the 2024 race in the US coming up, politics inevitably creeps in to threads in veiled ways and I am not up for it. With that said, no hard feelings on my part. I was simply saying goodbye to my virtual friends on here. Best.

Perfectly understandable, Fletch. But you will be missed, because you are exactly what we love about TF, i.e. NOT one of the ones who allows politics to infiltrate your comments. I hope you will reconsider.

I loved that SoCal cruising video you posted on TF back in 2020 or 2021. That video pulled me out of my self-pity and got me cruising south Florida again.

Warmest Regards,
Mrs. Trombley and Hubby Dan

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