I've been away a long time

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Oct 7, 2012
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Best Alternative
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36 Albin Aft Cabin
Hello friends, new and old. I have been a member for ten years, have accumulated about 2,000 posts, been warned by the moderators twice about commenting on "For Sale" boats. (and once for something else, can't remember what it was, probably being too "salty").

I'm 72, enjoy being called a Curmudgeon,and although I really do try, sometimes I get a little salty in my comments.

I have a 36 foot Albin Trawler which I love. I have been a boater all my life, freshwater, now lake Michigan. (berthed in Oconto). Reasonable health although I had bypass surgery in August and a heart attack at some point previous to that.

I recently ran into Joel at my marina. (I hope I have the name right) He is a longtime Trawler Forum guy. He asked "Where have you been". He got me thinking, "Where have I been"?

I had my boat for sale briefly during my convalescence but as soon as I could walk the dock again I took the sign down.

It feels good to be back and to be a boater again, despite my limitations.

Welcome back! Glad you decided to return and that the "for sale" sign came down!!!
I've been called a curmudgion for years. I prefer to think of it as being outspoken and not caring if your feelings get hurt by my opinion.
Glad you're feeling better and feel free to comment on anything I have for sale!:rofl:
Only 72? I'm 86, still boating and doing all my own work. Took second place on Saturday's Predicted Log contest. Yeah, the tasks takes longer to accomplish, but the satisfaction of getting it done is immeasurable.
Glad to hear your health has improved, your boat is off the market and you are back active on TF.
I'll add that I am likely one of the mods that contacted you re classified ad issues. We (mods. & admin) have made some changes to the classified regulations & guidelines in recent years hoping to make that section more useful for members, especially those selling & buying boats.
We have relaxed some of the restrictions and strengthened others. We do discourage discussion postings in the classifieds and request members consider a PM or starting a discussion about boat makes, models, pros & cons, etc rather than clutter a For Sale or Wanted listing.
Members are requested to review the TF Rules and the Classified Rules and abide by them. The major consideration if/when posting to a classified listing is to always be courteous to the OP and to consider if there is a better place / method for a comments or discussion.
Those originating For Sale or Wanted ads are encouraged to use the Report Post feature to request specific distracting or negative posts be removed.
Pete... don't take the above personally I though it worth clarifying key points for everyone's information. Glad to have you back.

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