Interior square footage?

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Senior Member
Nov 28, 2020
Vessel Name
Lady J
Vessel Make
Donelle 35 Sport
I am new to the forum and I am curious how do you determine how much square footage or rooms you need versus you want on a boat?

I think money and usage play a role as a new boat shopper - but for yourself and a significant other - how much room do you / I need?

Is it only about how much you can afford?

Do you need get away space from each other?

I don't know what I don't know... :banghead:

Is it ok to be close quarters 24/7 for a week or two at a time even in a healthy relationship?

Do you need get away space from each other? '''''''''YES

I don't know what I don't know... ''''''''''''Charter and learn what you like.

Is it ok to be close quarters 24/7 for a week or two at a time even in a healthy relationship? ''''''''''Not if you want it to stay healthy. try living in the smallest room in your house for two weeks.
You are going to get a lot of "it depends" replies! Everything you ask - all are relevant questions - completely depend on your relationship. Of which, of course, no two are really alike.

We know of couples who live full time on small boats and love it. We know couples that have cruised on large boats and ended up hating each other after one season. We know very happy and well adjusted families of 4 or 5 living on small boats for years. And we know families that cruised on large boats that couldn't wait to sell the boat...

All that being said, just be honest where you are now as a couple. In your house do you need space to get away from each other? Did you need the biggest house you could afford, or did you get one that was smaller and higher quality?

Another piece of advice you are likely to get is to spend as much time as you can on various boats in your length/price range. This is much more challenging during times of Covid, however. (Hopefully boat shows will be coming back soon!) Also chartering a vessel down the road could be very advantageous for a week's worth of real life experience.

Lastly, remember: the entire experience from research to purchase to actual boating is supposed to be fun!
It depends...

If your future boat has a flybridge and you plan to be in moderate climates, you'll find it offers a nice getaway when one person needs some space. Ditto with the cockpit. Interior space seems more a function of smart layout than precise square footage. For enjoyable living aboard, bigger appliances (fridge, freezer, washer-dryer) and a reliable water maker go a long way and might be worth a trade-off in space or cabin count.
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