Impact of YouTube not allowing ad-blockers?

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Jan 27, 2013
Vermont/Seattle, USA
I know others watch a variety of YouTube channels, and not just boating channels. I also know I'm not alone using an AdBlocker in my browser.

Others have probably noticed that YouTube is now limiting/blocking access if you are using an Ad-Blocker. For me this means I no longer watch any of those channels, which is too bad. I enjoyed them, and admire people who create useful and entertaining videos and like to support them where and how I can. But I can't stand the assault of ads when I turn off my Ad-Blocker. I'm sure this is annoying to TF's owners as well, but that's how it is. I happily pay subscriptions for a variety of what I consider quality content, but the whole eyeballs & ads business model just doesn't work for me.

I'd be interested to hear how others are reacting to this. Am I alone (or a minority) in being unwilling to sit through ads? Have you turned off your Ad-blocker for YouTube? Stopped watching channels? It's probably much too soon to tell, but are channels losing viewers? Lots of channels have pursued other revenue streams outside of YouTube like Patreon and sponsored blurbs. It will be interesting to see how this evolves.

For all the people out there with channels that I subscribe to, I will miss you, and hope to see you again somewhere, sometime...
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I use AdBlocker and rarely will switch off to watch content. To me, it's like content on Facebook. Haven't been there in 10+ years; haven't found anything exclusively there worth luring me back. It would probably be better if I spent less time on the internet anyway.

On my mobile device I use two different browsers. 98% of the time it's Opera with adblocker and VPN on. For content I MUST see that isn't compatible with that setup, I use the default Chrome. I'll mute thru annoying ads. It has definitely changed what I view, there's very little content I find valuable enough to warrant the annoyance. But then I may not know what Im missing, but manage to live a reasonably happy and fulfilling life.�� No aspersion intended.
A few months ago I just bit the bullet and pay Google for Premium - and so no ads. Don't like it but watch enough stuff there to not cut off my nose to spite..
Mr. tt. Same boat here. In my case I suspect it's old age impatience and...what was the question again????
Doesn't bother me. I skip the ads I can and let the others slide. Maybe have to watch 4 minutes of ads for 30 minutes of content.
I still recall network tv and having to get up to change the channel.
Doesn't bother me. I skip the ads I can and let the others slide. Maybe have to watch 4 minutes of ads for 30 minutes of content.
I still recall network tv and having to get up to change the channel.

I do the same, mute the adds and skip. I have a number of subscriptions on paid providers, but prefer YT mostly. I believe the YT channel operators get a kick back from adds, I don’t mind putting up with the mild inconvenience if they are earning some dollars.
There is a solution; use the uBlock Origin extension in Firefox Web Browser and ensure you keep their 'Quick Fixes' filter updated.

Problem solved. Can watch YouTube with an Adblocker and never see any ads and Youtube can't stop you.

The uBlock Origin team are all volunteers and are working hard to keep one step ahead of Google/YouTube.
My opinion is watch the ads, or pay for the premium service.
I would like to hear from one person who watches these ads and buys something that they would not have bought anyway. So ads are just an intrusion, an annoyance and serve no purpose other than a click fee maybe.
I had a lot of problems also even after turning ad blocker (for utube) off.

After a couple of reboots all is working well again.
Sorry you tube, I don’t turn the ad block off for anyone. Thumb ready to hit Skip Ad as soon as possible. Same with the freaking cookies. No I will not accept your damned cookies either!
A few months ago I just bit the bullet and pay Google for Premium - and so no ads. Don't like it but watch enough stuff there to not cut off my nose to spite..

I do the same......after a tip from Jim and Rosey on Sea Venture....about .30 cents per day....comes with other stuff too, which I don't care about
Alphabet, the parent company of Google and Youtube made $166B over the last twelve months, largely driven by the fact it holds a monopoly position.

It also treats the majority of creators with contempt and shares very little of that revenue with those creators. It constantly changes the payment algorithm and de-monetises creators with no notice and no recourse available.

They also treat their viewers with contempt, evidenced by the number of ads played and the fact they intrusively insert them right into the middle of people speaking, etc., when they have the technology to be able to find un-obtrusive places in the videos to insert those ads.

And in doing all of this they are using your personal information to their advantage.

If I make the effort to avoid those ads, then that is my choice.
Sorry you tube, I don’t turn the ad block off for anyone. Thumb ready to hit Skip Ad as soon as possible. Same with the freaking cookies. No I will not accept your damned cookies either!

Yep add the extension 'Cookie AutoDelete' to your browser and cookies are cleansed every time a tab is unloaded, or the browser closed.

Google places something in the order of 50 different cookies on your machine when using their services and the cookies are not for your benefit, but for them to track you across the internet.
Of course they are. If you are getting a product or service of value and you are not paying for it, you are the product.
I pay the $18.95. I feel it’s worth every Penny. I get music plus pretty much anything I want to watch from YouTube. If it were my choice cable tv would be out the door. Alas I am married and have no choices. :blush:
It does get annoying. But I have gotten a TON of info from Youtube. I should probably get the Premium as well.
There is a solution; use the uBlock Origin extension in Firefox Web Browser and ensure you keep their 'Quick Fixes' filter updated.

Problem solved. Can watch YouTube with an Adblocker and never see any ads and Youtube can't stop you.

The uBlock Origin team are all volunteers and are working hard to keep one step ahead of Google/YouTube.

This. I spend lots of time watching 'boat porn' as I call it...

Ublock origin in chrome. Haven't seen an ad in forever. Too bad I can't get it on my smart TV where I would like to watch youtube.
I too use an adblocker. Started from here because there were all kind of junky ads jumping all over this sites screen to the point I stopped using T.F. at all.
Looked up Adblocker , downloaded the freebee and viola. I now use the paid Adblocker and I don't get bothered by absolute junk ads.
If a site asks me to shut off my Adblocker I then shut that site off. I don't care what they offer.
I have learned lots from YouTube. People put a lot of effort into making videos that have helped me directly. They are realizing some level of compensation however I am guessing that most are not getting wealthy. I don’t send them money individually via patron but I am happy to support the YouTube concept.
I use Brave Browser which is just like Chrome but with ad blocker built in among other things. I never see an ad anywhere. So far I've not had a problem with YouTube, it plays just fine in Brave. One thing about ad blockers though, if everyone used them free sites like YouTube and this forum would cease to exist. They cost money to run and without the ads there's no money to pay for it.
I have learned lots from YouTube. People put a lot of effort into making videos that have helped me directly. They are realizing some level of compensation however I am guessing that most are not getting wealthy. I don’t send them money individually via patron but I am happy to support the YouTube concept.

If you look up how a creator on YT makes money, you will see there is no direct formula of how much or if they will get paid. You need to click on the ads you see for the creator to get any reimbursement from the ads you see. The ads I used to see before I had ublock (and I had adblock prior) were usually things I would never click on, I just waited the 5 seconds until I could continue.

I think if you want to support the creators, you should help them directly. I would subscribe to YT premium if it were a reasonable monthly fee and if I knew that the money was going to creators as well, not just YT.
I use uBlock Origin extension in Firefox and have no trouble with Youtube or nearly any other site. Can't remember last site that wouldn't load. Some have a notice that an ad blocker may disable site features. The only feature uBlock Origin seems to affect is ads not showing up.

Others have probably noticed that YouTube is now limiting/blocking access if you are using an Ad-Blocker.
I'd be interested to hear how others are reacting to this. Am I alone (or a minority) in being unwilling to sit through ads?

I am about the most frugal person I know, but I pay for youtube to avoid the ads. It is unwatchable with the ads.
It's how YouTube pays for its service (or go Premium). If you don't like it, build your own video delivery platform and figure out how you'd pay for it. I've been a Premium customer for years and wouldn't look back.
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