Greeting from Sydney Australia

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Dec 8, 2023
Hi everyone, i have really enjoyed reading the various threads on the Trawler Forum and researching boats. Three weeks ago i bought my first boat. She is a 1990s steel hull custom boat initially designed for a retired fisherman. She is 46”, and weighs in approx 35tonne (I haven’t had a chance to verify this yet). Powered by a Gardner Diesel - 6xlct. I have recently hired a marine engineer to assess all systems and the hull - everything appears to be in working order. I joined the forum so that i can learn from everyone here, get some good ideas, share some experiences as a new boater and hopefully avoid making the expensive mistakes. Hopefully next week i will get my boat licence and also undertake a radio operators course. Very excited. I’m in the planning stages to do some external cosmetic upgrades and i’m open to suggestions as to what i can do to improve her appearance. (she’s a bit ugly but i think i love her ?) I’m thinking about installing an upper level seating area and funnel to make the most of the free space
on the steel roof, repaint in new colour scheme re do the timber work. I will post some photos. Let me know what you think. Ps - what does she look like? a fishing boat, a trawler or just a cruiser? Thanks in advance


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Welcome aboard. VERY nice vessel and NOT ugly at all IMO. I fully appreciate your excitement BUT I would strongly suggest you wait until you have lived with her for a while (6-12 months, perhaps) BEFORE you make any major additions and/or alterations. You visions of a "good idea" may readily change over time. Remorse can be expensive. Just make sure she is clean and dry (inside) and enjoy.
Welcome aboard! There are a few Aussies that regularly post on here. I think I have seen that boat before, but can't remember where exactly.
Welcome aboard. Your boat is not ugly at all. At 35 ton it's heavy for a 46' boat. Are you sure the roof is steel. On that size boat I would expect aluminum. Good engine and built for the long haul. Is your boat stabilized?
Not ugly at all. She's a beautiful lady!

On the Gardner Engine. Are you sure the model is not a Gardner 6LXB instead of a 6XLCT as stated in the ad?
We have a Gardner 8LXB, and I'm familiar with some of the other models, but not the 6XLCT.
The boat looks like it is well built. Need pics of the interior as well, and obviously the engine spaces too! :D

Also room for solar on the flat cabin roof if you so choose.

It can be intimidating getting a new boat, but just remember:

How do you eat an elephant?
"One bite at a time!":thumb:
And Welcome to the Forum, now get out and enjoy your new boat!:dance:
Not ugly at all. She's a beautiful lady!

On the Gardner Engine. Are you sure the model is not a Gardner 6LXB instead of a 6XLCT as stated in the ad?
We have a Gardner 8LXB, and I'm familiar with some of the other models, but not the 6XLCT.


The 6LXCT is a Gardner model.

The'C' is a newer model of the 'B' and the 'T' is for turbo.

I am guessing the OP just transposed the L & X.
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Hi Serene, yes you are correct, i mis typed the model number. I think it is a 6LXCT - 6 cylinder with the turbo. It was only a few weeks ago that i didn’t know what a “Gardner” engine was - it has been a steep learning curve.


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Hi Pierre, thanks for your reply. No stabilisers are on the boat currently, however the previous owner had them removed. They were like a swinging truss frame on either side above the water line. When needed, they would swing out, lock into place and there would be a horizontal metal plate in the water to provide the stability. I wonder if i will need stabilisers? I’m thinking that installing a bow truster may be a good idea, however i’m not 100% sure if the additional expense may be overcapitalised for this boat. It seems to have pipes underneath which i have been told is “keel cooling”, so i’m not sure if the under water fin type stabilisers will fit.


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Welcome Aboard!
I`m with RTF, hasten slowly. From your posts you are in a learning phase, though arn`t we all.
You don`t need a Maritime license to operate a boat<10 knots but yes, you should get one, you will learn a lot.
My guess is your lovely boat is a well converted fishing trawler but it might just look like one. Hope it all goes well, where do you keep the boat?
She is shallow draft without a keel. You might benefit from a bow thruster.
Welcome aboard, nice lady you got.
Concur with Mr RT, take your time to know her before thinking about surgery.
By the way what kind of anchor are you using? (Yes I know I am bad)


They were like a swinging truss frame on either side above the water line. When needed, they would swing out, lock into place and there would be a horizontal metal plate in the water to provide the stability.


Sounds like batwing stabilisers.

It seems to have pipes underneath which i have been told is “keel cooling”, so i’m not sure if the under water fin type stabilisers will fit.

Yes keel cooling with a dry stack exhaust.
Hi Bruce, thanks for the guidance. I keep her in Lake Macquarie, NSW. After the summer i will move her South to the Port Hacking.

Something like this?


Hi Lou, thanks for the reply. I have no idea what type of anchor. It seems large, heavy and a bit rusty. Maybe 30 or 40kgs


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oh wow - yes something like that. That’s so great that you can draw that
Hi Lou, thanks for the reply. I have no idea what type of anchor. It seems large, heavy and a bit rusty. Maybe 30 or 40kgs

That is a plough or CQR anchor.
Anchor discussions can be fatal to a thread,but at some point try searching the well regarded Aussie anchor mfr SARCA, based in Melbourne, with a view to updating the ancient CQR/plough.The owner, Rex Francis, may look kindly on a direct purchase by a TF member.
oh wow - yes something like that. That’s so great that you can draw that

Nooooooooooooo..........leave it as it is doesn't need a fly bridge!!!!!!!
It is perfect as it is - anything you do will stuff up the original (IMO) - even the paint job(colours) suits it!!!

Welcome by the way:)
Welcome aboard! That's a very cool looking boat!
Nooooooooooooo..........leave it as it is doesn't need a fly bridge!!!!!!!
It is perfect as it is - anything you do will stuff up the original (IMO) - even the paint job(colours) suits it!!!

Welcome by the way:)

That is also my intention with manipulating the photo to get an idea of what it might look like without an actual intervention on the ship.
Beautiful or ugly, that's wasteful for everyone.


Hi Lou, thanks for the reply. I have no idea what type of anchor. It seems large, heavy and a bit rusty. Maybe 30 or 40kgs

Yes, as others have said - that is one very rusty CQR/Plow - possibly a knock-off - certainly not worth re-galvanising.
Sell it for scrap and as Bruce suggested, look seriously at getting a Sarca Excel of appropriate size.
SARCA Excel Anchor - Anchor Right Australia
I personally like my Rocna, but I think it depends on where the OP is going to anchor (bottom type) and in what conditions, etc. to chose the right anchor.

Cost definitely plays a part too.

And yes I know talking anchors is almost like talking religion!
Welcome aboard. Your boat is not ugly at all. At 35 ton it's heavy for a 46' boat. Are you sure the roof is steel. On that size boat I would expect aluminum. Good engine and built for the long haul. Is your boat stabilized?

How does one typically calculate the weight of a boat? Can they weight the boat when they lift it out of the water at the maintenance yard?

I suspect the roof is steel as i can see small spots of dreaded rust on the underside of the structure where the paint has been chipped.
Nooooooooooooo..........leave it as it is doesn't need a fly bridge!!!!!!!
It is perfect as it is - anything you do will stuff up the original (IMO) - even the paint job(colours) suits it!!!

Welcome by the way:)

Hi Brisyboy, thanks for the welcome message. I have learnt that adding a fly bridge or discussing anchor types are both contentious topics ;) I will continue researching boat design or naval architecture and get a “feel” for what is appropriate. When i saw her at the dock, she looked disheveled, low in the water and a bit of a mess. i guess im in the “honeymoon” phase full of enthusiastic ideas.


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