Can we come up with a more original excuse?

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Scraping Paint
Oct 27, 2016
United States
Why is it that 9 out of every 10 boats are being sold because of "health issues"? As if that's going to make me feel bad and entice me to just run out and give you money. I mean seriously, instead of saying "selling because of health problems", why don't they just say "I'm not experienced enough to repair this heaping pile of crap and I'm too lazy to try, so buy this from me before my wife finds out how much I really spent."
... so buy this from me before my wife finds out how much I really spent."

The wife finding out is what leads to the health issues. Often a back back from sleeping on the couch.
"Sick of writing checks" could be considered a health issue?:)
Not even close to 9 out of 10 for one thing. "Owner upgrading" "Two boat owner", "Owner getting out of boating" and "Owner change of plans" are all as common if not moreso,
Working in the bilge and the ER gives you back pain :)

I would think that the majority of those who are selling trawlers are at or near their last boat due to age.

So yes, I can see health issues being one of the most common reasons when shopping trawlers.
Given the demographic of most of the 40-60' power boat owners I know, not surprising. That's the only way mine is going up for sale - when I'm too decrepit to use it.
Mr. coo. Hmmm...Are you really angry that sellers may be misrepresenting the real reason for the sale or are you angry at something else? Maybe it's just the area you're living in and the ads you're looking at.

I would guess that the majority of the TF posters are in the 50+ crowd so I'm hoping your observation regarding health issues (fake news) is correct. I wouldn't like to think that in 10 years I'd be the only "old timer" left. Most of the youngen's on TF don't understand me...


On the other hand....
Mr. coo. Hmmm...Are you really angry that sellers may be misrepresenting the real reason for the sale or are you angry at something else? Maybe it's just the area you're living in and the ads you're looking at.

I would guess that the majority of the TF posters are in the 50+ crowd so I'm hoping your observation regarding health issues (fake news) is correct. I wouldn't like to think that in 10 years I'd be the only "old timer" left. Most of the youngen's on TF don't understand me...


On the other hand....
Dear Mr RTF, just trying to understand you would mean years of therapy afterward :)
Of course I am just kidding my friend!

A seller has the problem of trying to convince a buyer of two 2 seemingly incompatible ideas.

1. His boat is the greatest boat since Noah's

2. He doesn't want it anymore

The "health forced sale" is almost like the Seinfeld Episode...."Its not you, its me break up strategy. It's not the boat, its me!
Toocoys: You're heartless. You don't believe poor, old grandpa?! Cmon! Lol

I agree with Caltex. I see way more ads with "owner is upgrading" or "change of plans". But IMO those sentiments in an ad are counterproductive. Oh, so the boat was too small for you but now you want some other poor schlub to buy it??! Lol. I would never put that in an ad (owner upgrading).

As to the demographics POV: It's definitely true that a certain age of folks are more likely to buy a certain type of boat. Young trawler buyers are a minority! I'm 36 years old and when I told my friends/colleagues that I bought a Camano they said this, in order.

1. Them: Why'd you get a sailboat?

2. Me: It's not a sailboat its a trawler.. Them: What's a trawler?

3. Me: A slower boat more akin to cruising.

4. Them: Does it have a toilet? Me: Ughhhhhh. Nevermind. lol
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Mr. coo. Hmmm...Are you really angry that sellers may be misrepresenting the real reason for the sale or are you angry at something else? Maybe it's just the area you're living in and the ads you're looking at.

9 out of 10 was perhaps a slight exaggeration, but I guess its just one of those pet peeves of mine. I can't stand it when brokers/sellers use "health issues" as a guilt-sell technique.

Health issues....

Health issues...
1973 Gulfstar 36 Trawler Power Boat For Sale -

Health issues...
1979 Marine Trader Double Cabin 40 Power Boat For Sale -
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Toocoys: You're heartless. You don't believe poor, old grandpa?! Cmon! Lol

I agree with Caltex. I see way more ads with "owner is upgrading" or "change of plans". But IMO those sentiments in an ad are counterproductive. Oh, so the boat was too small for you but now you want some other poor schlub to buy it??! Lol. I would never put that in an ad (owner upgrading).

Those too! As if "owner upgrading" or "change of cruising plans" means that I should accept your over inflated price. C'mon! I'm sorry that your health is failing, or that your plans changed, or that the boat you bought is too small, but man it's a boat... you're going to have to cut your losses just like everyone else!
Well the reality is also that when someone is selling some goods, one of the question most often asked is "why do you sell it?" So maybe putting this in an ad is a way to give the answer upfront and get rid of that stupid question (and I do not see a seller replying by a "why is none of your business folk" answer).

In the equestrian world I’ve also noticed that horses are for sale “ due to no fault of the horse” as if all people think that the horse has health the same thing, that “it’s not the boats fault”?
And buyers ask the sellers “why are you selling?” Duh.
Reminds me of the time we closed on our current home. The sellers had no mortgage etc and at closing we all had the closing statement with who was paying what and who was getting what. At the end they were handed a nice big fat check.

I looked at the couple across the table and said "Nice! So what are you going to do with all that money?!"

Out buyer's broker nearly choked!
Reminds me of the time we closed on our current home. The sellers had no mortgage etc and at closing we all had the closing statement with who was paying what and who was getting what. At the end they were handed a nice big fat check.

I looked at the couple across the table and said "Nice! So what are you going to do with all that money?!"

Our buyer's broker nearly choked!

I'm confused? What was wrong with that?
And buyers ask the sellers “why are you selling?” Duh.

I don't understand that either. What difference does it make? I had so many people ask me that when I had my boat listed last month. My answer answer was always, "because I can."
I hate my boat (and you likely will too), but want you to know I'm too old to enjoy it. ;):rolleyes:
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Mr. too. I think there's something I'm missing here. "Why are you selling" is a very common question to ask. Boats, cars, horses, pianos, gold coins, beanie babies or grandmaw's spare set of false teeth. YOU are looking to buy so you want the item, so why doesn't the seller want it any more. Are they crazy? How come THEY don't want this incredible item? Who cares?

I think that ALL the former sailors on this site, when asked why they were selling their sail boats to buy trawlers were forthcoming with their respective reasons. I'm sure a percentage moved to power for health reasons.
"why are you selling" is a very valid question. The buyer is consdiering a boat but knows very little about it. The seller knows a lot about it and itsa good way to learn about something you are about to spend a bunch of money on. If you're looking for a boat because you love to cruise and fish....and the seller says "I'm selling because I can't fish off this boat".....that saves you from making the same mistake he did.
"why are you selling" is a very valid question. The buyer is consdiering a boat but knows very little about it. The seller knows a lot about it and itsa good way to learn about something you are about to spend a bunch of money on. If you're looking for a boat because you love to cruise and fish....and the seller says "I'm selling because I can't fish off this boat".....that saves you from making the same mistake he did.

I think the reason a person is selling is subjective. One person who thinks they can't fish off a particular boat, may not be what another person thinks.

I don't consider my boat a fishing boat, but there's plenty of deck space to fish from off the stern.
When I am looking for a boat, I couldn’t care less why they are selling it. We are on our 23rd boat, probably our last, and when someone asks me why I am selling a boat, I tell them because I want a different boat. I don’t ask why someone is selling a boat I am interested in because I figure that it is my responsibility to check the potential new boat out. Besides most people are going to lie if there is something wrong with the boat. And if there is something wrong with it and I didn’t do my due diligence, then my bad.
9 out of 10 was perhaps a slight exaggeration, but I guess its just one of those pet peeves of mine. I can't stand it when brokers/sellers use "health issues" as a guilt-sell technique.

The idea that it is a “guilt-sell” technique is your own. At best, you are reading too much into it. I have bought and sold a few boats and never considered that the health issue was anything other than explaining why someone would sell a boat that they liked. I certainly don’t feel any sense of guilt to pursue or buy a boat with that note. Its also a fact that health becomes an issue later in life, when more people have the time and money to own a boat.
Maybe people say they are selling because of health problems are having health problems and they don't want to deal with a boat while dealing with health issues. Heart issues, stroke, and cancer come suddenly and change your world in a moment. A Seller who is selling because of health issues may be dealing with his (her) mortality and are expressing their sadness at having to move from an area of life that gives them great pleasure. No guilt needed or intended. Maybe?
9 out of 10 was perhaps a slight exaggeration, but I guess its just one of those pet peeves of mine. I can't stand it when brokers/sellers use "health issues" as a guilt-sell technique.

Seems to me they are just being proactive on the “why are you selling question”. I think there are a lot of folks that sell because of health issue. I sold my sailboat, in large part, because of chronic back pain. I would enjoy a weekend on the boat, but would be in pain for the week following. I can imagine lots of others in the same boat.
One issue that can not be avoided is aging.

The solution is a very simple boat that does not require months of work every year..

The "comforts " lost from not having stuff is made up by the ability to enjoy the vessel.
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