Last I checked here in the Clear Lake area it was still above 3 bucks!!!!!!. I will keep an eye out. Galveston usually always has more realistic prices.
Just curious, either nobody's cruising or nobody's bought fuel lately, or, nobody cares anymore because fuel is cheap. Have no doubt, prices will rise again.
Thanks Steve. My dilemma is whether to fill my 2 empty 150 gal tanks, the main tank is full. Then nurse the fuel along w/ biocide etc. as 450 gallons will last me quite a while at 1 to 1.5 gph.
$1.70 in Galveston at Houston Party Boats 2 weeks ago. Galveston Yacht basin is usually about 10 cents more with a much better dock setup I usually pay it. I think I will be down there in a coupla days so I iwll post up.