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Wanted: 34 foot AMERICAN TUG

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Nov 11, 2013
We have sold our home so that we can realize our long time dream to live aboard a trawler and travel the Great Loop. We are looking for a 34 foot AMERICAN TUG which we would like to purchase sometime between April and September 2018. If you are thinking of selling your AT we would love to hear from you. Thank you.
With that time frame you could have the factory build you a brand new one. (Albeit the smallest is now known as a 365.) It's very impressive to see the factory and how you can customize one to your own requirements.
Thanks Bob.
We don't want to buy a brand new one. We would like to get into the cruising scene at a lower starting point. Looking for a 1998 to 2001 34"
American Tug 34 Sandrobber Available for Sale

We have just completed the Great Loop in our 2001 AT34 and it is now available for sale. This boat is in beautiful condition and you will be hard pressed to find one of its vintage in better condition. Meticulous maintenance records and oil analyses are available. Pictures and Specifications can be found in the right side bar of our blog: Sandrobber.blogspot.com

Please feel free to contact me directly at rstilwell@advantagemedia.org as I would be happy to answer any questions that you might have. This tug is currently berthed just outside of Knoxville, TN.

Wow! That is one beautiful AT34. You have kept it in wonderful condition. That going to make somebody very happy. I'm sure you won't have to wait long.
Cheers Warren
It does look like a great boat. Now we are going to get fussy and would like a fly bridge.
It does look like a great boat. Now we are going to get fussy and would like a fly bridge.


Fred...best of luck with your search for the AT that best suits your needs. The flybridge models are harder to come by, so patience may be needed. If you haven't already, you might try to contact Greg Clark of Traditional Yachts in Jupiter, FL. He is one of the AT dealers, and usually has a pretty good ear to the ground for tugs that are currently available, or soon to come available.

If you ever want a sounding board on AT's in general, or if your plans change, please feel free to contact me...I'd be happy to help if I can.

Sandrobber AT34
I believe the flybridge on the AT 34 is a separate piece that is attached with 4 bolts. It is removable when trucking these boats to the east coast. Those of you wanting an AT 34 with a flybridge should contact the factory to see what options you might have to purchase and install one.
Thanks Rob and Larry.
Our excitement is building as we are dealing on a fly-bridge model and I hope to make an announcement very soon with some very good news. Hope to be cruising in 2018

Climbing up and down the ladder to the flybridge, while cruising, isn't my idea of retirement fun.
Climbing up and down the ladder to the flybridge, while cruising, isn't my idea of retirement fun.

Climbing the fly bridge
Higher air draft for bridge openings
Not in air conditioning
Bait for deer and black flies
Second set of electronics to maintain
More to wash
Now your talking sunbrella cost and continued care
Keep It Simple S.....
Dear Pgitug,

fcave has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Wanted: 34 foot AMERICAN TUG - in the Classifieds forum of Trawler Forum.

This thread is located at:

Here is the message that has just been posted:
Thanks KISS. Your comments aren't appreciated and should be removed. What you want and what I want will always be different and unless your advice is solicited, keep it to yourself.

Am I Bleeding?
Keep It Simple S.....

With the generator and and AC on while cruising? That's hilarious.
Personally I wouldn't own a boat without a bridge, but that's me. We all have different requirements....I'm with Fcave. An AT34 with a bridge would punch all my buttons..
I wish my tug had a FB. I miss being outside in the sun and breeze while operating (when the weather is fair which is most of the time here in CA). My next boat will definitely have a FB and be at least 10 ft. longer)
Fcave, good luck with your search and adventure.
RNS, enjoyed the pics of your loop trip on your blog.
I believe the flybridge on the AT 34 is a separate piece that is attached with 4 bolts. It is removable when trucking these boats to the east coast. Those of you wanting an AT 34 with a flybridge should contact the factory to see what options you might have to purchase and install one.

If one wants to control the boat from a newly-installed flybridge, engine and rudder controls at a minimum will be needed to operate the boat from there. IT'S NOT JUST A MATTER OF INSTALLING FOUR BOLTS unless one desires just an observation post.
The issue to me isn't flybridges but rather the flybridge option as was implemented on the AT 34 and 365. To get to and from the flybridge, you have to climb a vertical ladder and go through a relatively small hole to get to and from the bridge. I toured an AT 365 with the flybridge option at Trawlerfest a few years ago and found climbing up to the flybridge was cumbersome and that was at the dock. I just couldn't see making a trip to the head to take a pee while cruising on the ICW. That particular AT 365 took a long time to sell and I suspect others found the flybridge to be a turn off.

If we get a boat with a flybridge, it will have steps and not a ladder.

The ability to add a flybridge structure so simply is quite unique in the industry and I thought the knowledge of that would be welcomed. It goes without saying that one would have to add desired equipment to make it a functioning pilot station.
Removable flybridge?


The ability to add a flybridge structure so simply is quite unique in the industry and I thought the knowledge of that would be welcomed. It goes without saying that one would have to add desired equipment to make it a functioning pilot station.

Hi , removinging the flybridge has actually been common practice to remove the fly bridge for road transportation. It has been an industry practice for over 40 years. We were doing that in the 70's on sports fisherman in Jersey back then ( Viking,Egg harbor,Sliverton/Mainship,Trojan,Ocean and others long gone).
But your idea has some merit if you wanted to put a flybridge 'lite' on a boat. You could use an electronic auto pilot boat control to minimize the extra rigging work. an example of this here at about 7:00 https://youtu.be/DypG9Ipx47A

If you could find a used flybridge from a hull damaged boat it could be an easy upgrade but way more work than some folks want to do.
Cheers Warren


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Climbing the fly bridge
Higher air draft for bridge openings
Not in air conditioning
Bait for deer and black flies
Second set of electronics to maintain
More to wash
Now your talking sunbrella cost and continued care
Keep It Simple S.....

Pgitug, I Couldn't agree more , but my old boss, bill Healy, at Viking Yachts refused to put a lower steering station in their yachts! Each to their own. ( but I've been out on many a dark and storm night on sailboats and could not imagine what it would be like on an open flybridge!)
Cheers Warren
Ps add frying in the sun to you list too!
fcave...did you find and buy your boat? I'm just curious as I always wonder how these stories turned out!
Hi Garry. I just sent you an e-mail. Call or email me. I would like to talk.
Fred...best of luck with your search for the AT that best suits your needs. The flybridge models are harder to come by, so patience may be needed. If you haven't already, you might try to contact Greg Clark of Traditional Yachts in Jupiter, FL. He is one of the AT dealers, and usually has a pretty good ear to the ground for tugs that are currently available, or soon to come available.

If you ever want a sounding board on AT's in general, or if your plans change, please feel free to contact me...I'd be happy to help if I can.

Sandrobber AT34

I bought my AT34 from Greg. He has a house in Stuart. I think he keeps his 42 there too. Pretty good guy.
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