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For Sale: 1986 GB 42 Classic FOR SALE

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Hybrid GB

Dec 7, 2015
1986 Grand Banks GB 42 Classic, HULL ONLY.

100% clean boat, no issues.
Recent marine survey available. Can be inspected. New fuel tank. New electrical, new AC, Halon Fire Supression system, Inverters, too much to list.

The boat is on the dry in Ft Lauderdale, so it can be inspected easily.

All systems fully operational. No engines, ready for new diesels.

Text to (209) 732-6365 to schedule viewing.

$60,000 obo.
May tradefor aiplane.


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It means bring a paddle.
has no engines, but everything else is in place. Drop diesels in and ready to go....
Same boat with engines would be in the 175K range.
That's a 115K budget for engines and install. Not difficult.

Many GB owners prefer to talior their engines to their cruising style. This way all options are open.
Ok, I'll bite.

In the first photo, you can see she was (is?) Named "watt power". This could an electrical reference and she's missing engines. What are the chances she had electric propulsion?
Right on. It currently is equipped with full electric propulsion. All brand new. this was an R&D project so we are removing the setup since there seems to be no interest for electric / hybrid boats in the GB community.
Hugely popular with catamarans.
No noise, 5 times the range and zero maintenance. Hard to beat. Go figure, but nobody wants it in a trawler. Guess the diesel fumes are part of the romantic notion.
IF you know someone who might be interested, now is the time, before we start stripping it :). There is no boat like it.
On battery power, on the ICW about 1-2 hrs depending on engine load. Then the generator kicks in (brandnew Volvo Penta 200) , recharges batteries on the fly and powers the electric engines.
On a full tank of diesel, you are looking at about 2,000 mls range. The Volvo always runs at the "sweet spot" RPM which will give it the best fuel economy. It doesn't rev up or down. It runs a 120KW generator, so there is ample power.
On shore, the software can suck up to 50A charge (if shore cicuit permits) so you'll be fully recharged in a cpl of hours. On a quick connect on a lunch stop, you can get your batteries recharged for nil.

After we were done testing, we replaced all systems with barndnew ones, so the Volvo lierally has not been started yet. All zero hours. Ah what a pity to strip it now .

Just looked the boat up and found some info. What are you planning to do with the electric bits you take out?
Im a fan of diesel/electric propulsion. Thats how they power cruise ships. If only 2 hours on batteries alone then the boat is more properly diesel/electric rather than hybrid. On a sailboat, the motor can become a generator when under sail turning the prop backwards and is therefore more properly a hybrid. There is no option to charge the batteries uderway other than a single generator. I would want a second generator I think, maybe a smaller get home unit? Or maybe a couple of wind generators and some solar panels?
Hybrid GB: I visited your website featuring this vessel a year or two ago, and found the idea exciting and attractive. I salute you for trying! OTOH, the economic / business case didn't move me at the time. Declining fuel prices have probably made it a tougher sell.

At what price were you trying to sell the diesel-electric boat?

May I also ask why you chose Volvo for genset power?
No Interest???...man, I'd be all over it if the budget allowed. Just out of curiosity, what are you asking with the hybrid system intact?
Right on. It currently is equipped with full electric propulsion. All brand new. this was an R&D project so we are removing the setup since there seems to be no interest for electric / hybrid boats in the GB community.
Hugely popular with catamarans.
No noise, 5 times the range and zero maintenance. Hard to beat. Go figure, but nobody wants it in a trawler. Guess the diesel fumes are part of the romantic notion.
IF you know someone who might be interested, now is the time, before we start stripping it :). There is no boat like it.

The reason no one wants a Hybrid boat is the 1-2 hr run time.. it's not enough.
So how do you figure 5 times the range? If you are traveling 1000 miles you are running the genset all the time anyway.. correct?

And last time I checked the diesel electric systems in sailing cats were also a huge flop and most of them have been refitted with diesel also.

Regarding the sale of the boat as a engine less boat.. your right.. for the right person it is a good value.

Not only a good value here but also a chance for an owner to properly power his boat exactly the way he wants!!!! GLWS!!!
Agree with Baker, interesting vessel to consider. The debate over hybrid should be moot, for a savvy buyer. My guess is the boat and systems are in good shape because the owner's been using it as a showcase thus wanted a decent overall vessel. Just a guess though. A good inspection would tell all. Hopefully all systems are in place or readily available to take it back to what it was. Such as genset, ACs, inverter, battery banks etc.

The debate should be what engine(s) I vote for Cummins reman(s) 220 HP rating. While you're at it, new tanks too. Should be good for another 30 years.
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We sell them individually - these are high end parts used in electric propulsion.
All systems are brandnew. After testing we replaced everything with new components. Not that it would matter though - the engines have a 100,000 hour service inyterval - unlikely the next buyer will ever see the end of it.

No transmissions, nothing to service. Well, except the Volvo. That has zero hours.
New tanks already installed. Full marine survey values it at 175K.
Im a fan of diesel/electric propulsion. Thats how they power cruise ships. If only 2 hours on batteries alone then the boat is more properly diesel/electric rather than hybrid. On a sailboat, the motor can become a generator when under sail turning the prop backwards and is therefore more properly a hybrid. There is no option to charge the batteries uderway other than a single generator. I would want a second generator I think, maybe a smaller get home unit? Or maybe a couple of wind generators and some solar panels?

there is an option to add a smaller backup gen. We designed the system to accomodate about 4kW of solar panels, the GB has ample space, if you can live with the cosmetics.
Drive an hour anchor out, fish and enjoy the day. Solar panels will run all your onboard & recharge batteries. End of the day you're good to go, never use the genset. we've done it in FL.
So what is the price with the hybrid power setup?
Survey is at $175K, we will sell the vessel at $155K ready to go.

Pic below shows the Volvo coupled to the generator.


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Here is a photo of the engines - directly on the shafts. Oh how simple boating can be. :dance:

Move the joystick fwd. Immediate full torque available. 100%.
Want to stop the boat. Reverse the throttle, INSTANT 100% torque the other direction. Stops 38,000 pounds dead. :rofl:

Try to do that with diesels and a transmission.


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Hybrid GB - Are you associated with Island Pilot? An occasional TF poster, Ruben Trane, did a hybrid 40' Island Pilot Catamaran a few years back that had 6KW of solar panels. They claimed it would do 25NM on battery power prior to using diesel with twin Steyr hybrid engines. Not certain but believe it was an R&D project also. The boat is for sale now on YW for quite a bit more than your hybrid. I have been intrigued with it but it is above my boat R&D budget.

If you have a sketch on how 4KW of panels could be mounted on a GB 42, it would interesting to see.
Just thinking out loud;
The cost to install 2 Cummins remans, risers, tranny's, shafts, props, instrumentation, modifications to the ER to accept the engines, yard charges and labor is going to probably be $75-$100,000. Add in mods to the genny to make it work with the new setup.

It still might be a good deal, but again it's still an '86 boat and for resale a potential buyer would have to see through that and realize the value in the repower. Not all buyers would.
Better yet, stick a pair of these in it.

Commercial Engines - Yanmar Marine

Most of the wrench turning work can be done by a good DIYer to save a lot of labor costs.

Stick the engines on soft mounts with Federal couplers and you'd have one very smooth running GB.
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Just thinking out loud;
The cost to install 2 Cummins remans, risers, tranny's, shafts, props, instrumentation, modifications to the ER to accept the engines, yard charges and labor is going to probably be $75-$100,000. Add in mods to the genny to make it work with the new setup.

It still might be a good deal, but again it's still an '86 boat and for resale a potential buyer would have to see through that and realize the value in the repower. Not all buyers would.

Thinking out loud 2:

Re-power however one looks at it is a costly project. This boat happens to be a complete re-power to a totally different system. The proof of a re-power cost benefit is in the boat hull and the systems needed to run safely and efficiently, if these are in great condition then a good decision can be made if not then this offering is way out of the ball park. GB's are pricey to begin with adding a specialty power system adds another barrier to a simple sale.
I like what I see for sale here and if this was a Westcoast offering I might be tempted to upgrade.

What interests me about electric propulsion is how it mitigates the risk of diesel and all of the different areas that risk hides in, such as fuel cleanliness, heat exchangers clogging up, filters needing to be changed, tanks leaking, oil changes, oil leaks into bilge, cables wearing out, transmissions needing adjustments, simply all of the moving and wearing out parts. But the number one interest I have in electric power is the quiet and almost effortless power that propels a boat.

So, as not to hijack this thread any further, I must say good luck with the sale GB Hybrid and I wish this boat was closer to home as it would be a serious consideration.
If there is enough interest in the electric propulsion concept I would certainly be interested in commenting on another thread.

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