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  1. G

    New to the Trawler world.

    I'm new also, good to see someone else willing to try something different.
  2. G

    Be patient with me, I'm the new (to nearly everything) guy!

    "Don't go any faster than you are willing to hit the dock" is my new mantra. Words to the not-so-wise!! Is that copyrighted?
  3. G

    Be patient with me, I'm the new (to nearly everything) guy!

    I'm learning, the marina I chose in NOLA has requirements and that is why it costs so much more than I expected, not too bad on liability but has to include salvage and spill, etc. This is a single engine with 135 hp Perkins 3500 hrs. and a Bow Thruster, so I hope that helps with handling
  4. G

    Be patient with me, I'm the new (to nearly everything) guy!

    It costs more than I expected, but I held off the survey for a week until I could get a reliable (though not yet in writing) policy. The seller and broker are aware that is a must. Thanks
  5. G

    Be patient with me, I'm the new (to nearly everything) guy!

    I am under contract for a 38' Fu Hwa and the survey is set for Thursday. I know you guys can't give me every question to ask, much less the answers, but I want to find a community that can help me learn. First things first, how do I learn to pilot the thing? A little background-I've driven...
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