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  1. J

    Guns in Canada

    Eyes on you Please be aware that the Eastern end of Lake Ontario is pretty closely watched by both Customs & Immigration and RCMP marine units, looking for both human and contraband trafficking. Boardings are not uncommon. I've also been told by customs officers that, from experience, they...
  2. J

    Cruising the French canals

    Just do it The Canal du Midi meanders through a fine landscape, but be aware that it has lost most of the plane trees that used to line its banks and that provided both shade and picturesque beauty. The last I heard, the rest of the plane trees were doomed. We were on the canal a few years ago...
  3. J

    Question about flying the US flag

    As others have advised, starboard spreader halyard has preference. If not available (or mast is down,) you can fly guest flag at jackstaff. You should fly guest flag. It's a matter of respect for host nation and nautical convention. Friesland waterways are fantastic!!! Enjoy!
  4. J

    Favorite Nautical Movies

    This is a fun thread. More votes here for Master and Commander -- careful attention to historical accuracy. Das Boot-- anyone who's been in a submarine of that vintage knows that the claustrophobia creates a knot in your guts as soon as you go down the hatch. A couple others: The Cruel Sea...
  5. J

    Onan MDJE 7.5 KW Fuel Leak

    Fiber screw Yes, it's a bleed screw with fiber threads. I was getting a weeping fuel leak there. Replaced with a metal screw. A likely suspect. And easy to check.
  6. J

    Where is no go for this?

    Sturdy says it all I can offer this: I have rented Linssens for the inland waterways of Netherlands, Belgium and France. I have not been in North Sea waters in one but they are designed for both inland and coastal cruising. The steel construction and build quality are rock solid and comforting...
  7. J

    paper charts

    I raise my cap to Bacchus for citing Georgian Bay. I could navigate the small craft route along the eastern shore of Georgian Bay without paper charts, but I wouldn't be without them. In fact, I use an onboard Raymarine chartplotter, electronic charts on a tablet for redundancy and the...
  8. J

    Looking for help

    We had a fine woodie once upon a time on Lake Ontario. On recommissioning, I was able to leave the boat in the slings at least overnight and slept on board to watch for any serious leaks. The longer she soaks in the slings the better. But the bad news is that the planking will degrade in fresh...
  9. J

    Thruster questions

    Was the flight of 12 on the Nivernais? I've followed this thread with interest. There are some highly sophisticated solutions to a simple problem. My simple answer: no, don't do it. In some locks, the flood when the water levels change can be very intense. I'm not sure any thruster is going to...
  10. J

    Steel Trawlers - Pros and Cons

    I have a GRP hull in North America, but I owned a steel converted Dutch barge and have rented a number of Dutch steel kruisers and kotters in Europe. Many of the Dutch yards produce small runs of impeccably built vessels where quality is never in doubt. I personally love the feel at the helm of...
  11. J

    Any One Else Have This "Problem"? Trawler Owner

    Beautiful boat. Beautiful location. For anyone who hasn't been there, Cayuga is one of the most picturesque lakes in America, with Ithaca its jewel at the southern end. It connects to the Erie Canal system, so you can cruise one way into the Great Lakes or the other down to New York and the...
  12. J

    Found: cheap kk42

    Read this: warning about this boat I had three surveys done on this vessel. We suspected water in the hull. We finally got permission from the vendor to take a core sample. Water gushed where we pulled it. That hull is saturated and there's no realistic remedy. If she's kept in warm waters, she...
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