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  1. Jeff F

    Thruster Upgrades on a Camano Troll - Convince me not to do it

    Just as SteveK described, but replace the helper with a quick release hitch on the dock. Take the tail to the helm, and tug to release. You can either let it trail in the water as you back out, or pull in the line to your helm position to keep it out of the water. There are a few hitches that...
  2. Jeff F

    2005 Endeavour Trawlercat 44 - sold

    These boats are quite popular and well known among loopers. You might try targeting them, if you haven't already. Good luck with the sale. Sent from my moto g play (2021) using Trawler Forum mobile app
  3. Jeff F

    Interesting boats

    This post got me mildly interested. A nice Gulfstar 53 motorsailor got T-boned. Sell the rig, do a quick fix on the damage and go trawlering. I never liked that boat as a sailboat, but I'm pretty sure they built trawlers on the...
  4. Jeff F

    Thruster Upgrades on a Camano Troll - Convince me not to do it

    That doesn't mean there isn't a way. I'm quite certain there are folks here who can offer advice on how to improve and leverage those skills. Sent from my moto g play (2021) using Trawler Forum mobile app
  5. Jeff F

    Thruster Upgrades on a Camano Troll - Convince me not to do it

    Right. And you've got about 50kgf now. So my 20 knot guess aligns with those numbers. What sort of wind threshold are you hoping to conquer? What's the required spec for 35 knot? Sent from my moto g play (2021) using Trawler Forum mobile app
  6. Jeff F

    Thruster Upgrades on a Camano Troll - Convince me not to do it

    Excellent. Sorry I'm unable to view attachments on my phone. Do they cite how much wind a 50 kgf thruster can hold against? Sent from my moto g play (2021) using Trawler Forum mobile app
  7. Jeff F

    Thruster Upgrades on a Camano Troll - Convince me not to do it

    Trick question: Let's say that your goal is to push the boat sideways into a stiff wind. You have a bow and stern thruster, each 5 HP. Assuming you have adequate power to the thrusters and can run them forever, there is some wind strength beyond which you can't make progress. Let's for...
  8. Jeff F

    Fuel in Exhaust on cold start

    Does that engine have a fuel return cooler? I'd check that early on if there is one. Sent from my moto g play (2021) using Trawler Forum mobile app
  9. Jeff F

    Thruster Upgrades on a Camano Troll - Convince me not to do it

    Because it's crazy money for marginal returns? It's one thing to over spec on a new installation. But tearing out a merely adequate unit to replace it with the most powerful thruster imaginable? I'll shut up now. Sent from my moto g play (2021) using Trawler Forum mobile app
  10. Jeff F

    Thruster Upgrades on a Camano Troll - Convince me not to do it

    Good. On a hopefully more constructive note, my single engine boat came with a bow and stern thruster. I can't deny the utility of a stern thruster, and can even understand the financial justification. So by all means add a stern thruster. In my case the stern thruster failed terminally at...
  11. Jeff F

    More charging capacity from generator

    Agreed. I have 700w installed on my PH and get 3+ kwh per day in fair summer weather. That's 60% of your daily usage. Sent from my moto g play (2021) using Trawler Forum mobile app
  12. Jeff F

    Mainship 400 2006 Head Feed Thru hull

    Good trick. I'm guessing the OP pumps overboard regularly, so switching to salt water and using lots to flush seems like the best solution. Sent from my moto g play (2021) using Trawler Forum mobile app
  13. Jeff F

    Thruster Upgrades on a Camano Troll - Convince me not to do it

    Spring lines are really useful for getting and staying pinned to a dock. I'm not trying to insult your abilities or experience, but it sounds like there might be opportunities to try some different boat handling techniques. Get another set of eyes from a coach/mentor who has experience with...
  14. Jeff F

    Anchoring Technique - Three Questions

    Normally I add about 6' to rode length when I rig the snubber. I had to think about your scope definition. So yeah, I suppose when the chain is taut there would only be 24' in the water. It's a sobering thought.
  15. Jeff F

    Inverter Install basics

    There are features of a modern inverter-charger that can be really valuable. Here are a few: - uninterrupted AC for computers etc - supplementing shore power or generator for peak load handling - adjusting charging rate to stay within generator or shore power capabilities - ramping up sudden AC...
  16. Jeff F

    Daily salt water rinse on teak deck?

    I lived for a while in my youth on a large wooden sailboat with teak decks. One of my jobs was to give them a salt water rinse every day. I think it was mostly to keep the deck seams tight.
  17. Jeff F

    Thank you for letting us join your group

    Check coverage and providers - tow coverage may be spotty along your route. Congratulations, and welcome.
  18. Jeff F

    Anchoring Technique - Three Questions

    Appreciate comments, and WRT waves, to my mind that's the biggest challenge. Shock loads can be enormous. My goals are generally to avoid heavy seas underway or at anchor. Without waves it's easy to deal with wind, in my experience. So I'll happily give up room to swing on a long rode if I...
  19. Jeff F

    Anchoring Technique - Three Questions

    Well, not quite. In 8' of water my anchor roller is about 15' above the bottom. In practice I'll set with 45-50' of chain out, and have come to expect an instant set and reliable holding in the conditions I'm typically in. If conditions are challenging or unsettled I'll increase scope. Have...
  20. Jeff F

    Anchoring Technique - Three Questions

    I guess I should have ended my post with an emoji [emoji17]. No offence meant. It was meant to be light hearted. My AIS list is empty right now, and that's the way I like it. If I engage in risky behaviour it's on me alone.
  21. Jeff F

    Anchoring Technique - Three Questions

    You must unlearn what you've learned. Unless you still use a CQR.
  22. Jeff F

    2023 cruising, So Where are You Going?

    Mid-summer check-in from the wilds of Georgian Bay. The TF burgee makes a cameo! Hope others' plans are unfolding equally well.
  23. Jeff F

    Foredeck has no core material under it

    How does the deck feel when you walk on it? From the pics I'm going to guess that the headliner was removed. Not coring. What kind of boat is it?
  24. Jeff F

    Anchoring Technique - Three Questions

    That makes sense. I guess if you're not moving fast and hover long enough to allow the rode to go vertical you can choose and mark your anchor drop position very well. Far too much precision for me :-)
  25. Jeff F

    Anchoring Technique - Three Questions

    I should say that your description of how you anchor matches mine pretty much exactly. And we have very similar vessels and ground tackle. I have a 73 lb Rocna and 250' of 3/8 chain. But I'm going to disagree on scope. My standard these days is 3:1. I measure out the chain until the anchor...
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