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  1. BruceK

    Interesting boats

    This 1991 Steber looks amazing. I could even live without the lower helm but, I`m not in the market for another boat and not likely to be. For Aussies, this has to be a very attractive boat which would operate perfectly well at trawler speeds and offer all the benefits of Steber design and...
  2. BruceK

    Is this asbestos?

    I seem to remember rare cases of mesothelioma 10 years after exposure, don`t be too sure of the 30 year lead time theory. Australia was a world leader in asbestos production, use, and deaths. We had/have a specialist Dust Diseases Tribunal hearing claims by the afflicted, sometimes on their...
  3. BruceK

    Tasmanian cray boat Gardner diesel

    Is there a reason you can`t prevent the oil change before you take samples? I may have found the boat online, looks interesting.
  4. BruceK

    Rejecting a vessel prior to survey

    Insurers do not like insureds giving away indemnity entitlements. It fetters their right to recover from an otherwise liable third party. Could severely affect your insurance contract.
  5. BruceK

    Boat fire NJ

    From the story of the MV Siva(AVIS spelt backwards) explosion in Sydney many years ago. The boat was docked on an auxiliary engine, refuelled with gasoline, and motored away from the dock whereupon the main was started. Bang! The skipper reported the "sniffer" indicated safe before leaving the...
  6. BruceK

    Holding tanks

    Esteemed TF member, author, and expert in all matters head related "The Headmistress" (Peggie), will know and will likely respond after seeing the thread.
  7. BruceK

    Wireless Docking Remote Controls - What's The Magic Number?

    You can do that already with "Boat Master".
  8. BruceK

    PM - Personal Message - How to send one?

    Is "conversation" is a "nicer" word than "private message", with its worrying overtones of what might occur "in private"? Is the "conversation" actually "private"? Was it ever? Long live semantics!
  9. BruceK

    The New Helmsman 46

    It`s an Air Fryer type oven. Though I think even conventional fan ovens, are of the nature of an air fryer.
  10. BruceK

    Time for new Thruster Bank I'm afraid 😟

    I query changing a system that has served well for a long period and produced long battery life. It suggests a well designed system, good quality suitable battery type selection, good charging maintenance, and sensible battery usage. If as it seems it`s only the thruster/windlass bank that needs...
  11. BruceK

    Music favs

    Vale Sergio Mendes. A timeless performer in the Brazilian jazz/samba/bossa nova genre. Amazing how much time has passed since the band called Brazil 66 launched on the music scene. In his honor, the very early Mas Que Nada. The clip looks dated, but the sound is fresh.
  12. BruceK

    Dead Battery Bank

    I don`t see a mystery. The 4 batteries are 8 years old connected as one battery. One sick battery (or cell) of the 4 calling for charge can lead to constant unsuccessful charging attempts. It will deplete its companions too. Seems judging from the white powder at least one has been "boiling" off...
  13. BruceK

    Spare Ultra 27Kg Anchor: Keep or Sell

    Anchor mfrs want to sell you as much anchor as they can. The idea that they advise using inadequate unsuitable undersized anchors against their own reputation and profit interests makes no sense. Sure if you fall between sizes go for the larger, but otherwise listen to the advice.
  14. BruceK

    Displacement and single engine trawlers

    Not all ERs are created equal. Our IG36 had a walkway between the twin Lehmans. Same goes for our Integrity 386,twin Cummins, the ER is frankly spacious. And hull is same as the Integrity 380 which comes with single only. But the Clipper 40, same builder of origin as NP, has twins you work on...
  15. BruceK

    solar rail mount

    The clamps look good and well resolved! Our rails are more oval than round, so fit could be an issue. But we`re in Australia and doubt production plans extend this far. Current thinking is flexible panels on canvas, but rail mounting conventional panels solves a lot of potential issues.
  16. BruceK

    Maybe my AGMs are good enough?

    I have one of those, test is complete when smoke emits. I have a newer electronic one now.
  17. BruceK

    WTB Symbol 45 Pilothouse

    Unsurprising. TF ignored the post until now.
  18. BruceK

    Salt water in fwd bilge

    Is there a drain for the anchor locker. Possible leak in drain pipe to outside hull, or leak from drain shell cover outside hull?
  19. BruceK

    Will You Go Broke On A Boat? - 1999 Viking 60 SportYatch

    Way too tight financially on a boat that could come with big expenses. Inexperience is a factor too. Doubt the fiancees father`s experience helps insurability. As explorers pouring over the margins of maps, in the days when the earth was thought to be flat, were prone to observe "There be dragons".
  20. BruceK


    Note: post above self reported for the humorless. And it worked.
  21. BruceK

    Will You Go Broke On A Boat? - 1999 Viking 60 SportYatch

    Very difficult to be helpful without knowing what the boat will cost, age or its condition. It`s a seriously big boat (for 3?). Maintenance/dockage/insurance all rise proportionally to cost, size, etc. Is it insurable with your level of experience/qualification. On one view of your post we`d...
  22. BruceK

    Surveyor wording is a little harsh

    TJM, your surveyor may have created a disclosure problem, if (a big if) you are regarded as proposing for insurance. Here at least, the duty is contained in Statute, elsewhere maybe by general law. You have to tell them things you know about the risk they can`t otherwise know. I hope you can get...
  23. BruceK

    temporary/backup anchor light

    We did that, using the headsail halyard on top and the kite downhaul underneath. Worked ok, no one hit us. These days you`d use an LED lantern.
  24. BruceK

    Twin Diesels versus single

    Equating wives and engines is surely novel to the eternal "single vs twins" debate.
  25. BruceK

    Wanting to change up to Trawler Style

    I think 1977 is around the time of IG switching from wood to fibreglass. Should be obvious inside whether timber or f/g. It won`t have been built in Australia and won`t be the timbers you nominate. I knew of a 50ft IG(in repair after sinking) built of meranti, a poor choice. IG largely "copied"...
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