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  1. BruceK

    Battery charger always on?

    The float charge is higher(13.6) for LA than AGM (13.4). Maybe it`s an Odyssey requirement. You could search Odyssey to see what is specified. But, Charles, a venerable charger mfr, seem very clear about, so don`t dismiss it. Could be relevant, wonder if the constant 5A output is related...
  2. BruceK

    Coronial Inquiry-Sinking of Eliza 1

    The owners deserve sympathy for the sad event. Not sure if they offered the boat for stability testing for the Inquiry but whoever did was public spirited, possibly to their disadvantage. Can`t see a broker adding your pic to the advert. Many years ago I learned sailing with a sailing school...
  3. BruceK

    Coronial Inquiry-Sinking of Eliza 1

    I get confused but this was Peta Emma I think, the one that washed up at Balmoral Beach(inner harbour) in Sydney from its mooring. Always wondered if its behavior, even on a swing mooring, in strong conditions, contributed to it coming loose.
  4. BruceK

    Battery charger always on?

    It`s best practice to leave it on but with no draw it should go to float and at 5A no matter what, seems it`s not doing that. Without knowing your total battery amps it`s unclear, but if you had 500A capacity and 5A charge that`s 1% of capacity, which might be normal maintenance charge...
  5. BruceK

    Battery charger always on?

    I would not regard a battery that does not hold 13.6V as defective. The charger can keep batteries around that voltage,it usually does, but 12.6 and above is regarded as "full". It`s preferable to test a battery a while after it`s been taken off the charger. I think you are conflating 2 separate...
  6. BruceK

    Coronial Inquiry-Sinking of Eliza 1

    Still for sale, Queensland broker but boat in Sydney, still $479K but now inviting offers.
  7. BruceK

    anchor locker hatch2008 (Mariner-Seville37) Helmsman 38

    JB Weld is 2 part, I`m thinking it is an epoxy.
  8. BruceK

    Battery charger always on?

    That`s the kind of tester I had in mind but "full" indication for 12v batts is 12.6 or above, was 13 a typo for 12? Mine tests more than voltage,by applying a load test.
  9. BruceK

    Battery charger always on?

    I think this is the Manual for your charger: Yours looks more like an old type ferro resonant charger which excel at frying batteries when left on permanently but, that`s at odds with the Manual. If it`s showing 10A...
  10. BruceK

    anchor locker hatch2008 (Mariner-Seville37) Helmsman 38

    Wondering if there is a JB Weld product to suit the job. Timber pieces under the clamps to distribute the force might provide good even setting support.
  11. BruceK


    If you`re on the "Hot Rod" Forum you`re doing fine!
  12. BruceK

    anchor locker hatch2008 (Mariner-Seville37) Helmsman 38

    Measure to see if the crack separation has increased the height of that side of the hatch. If so you may need to do some judicious clamping after introducing the epoxy and while it goes off. Remove excess material squeezed out before it sets.
  13. BruceK


    In 2 hours it`s too late to add clues so here we go, "Stealers Wheel" and Gerry Rafferty. Remember it? Should it be in Music Faves? Maybe.
  14. BruceK


    Keep doing what you want for as long as it is reasonable and safe. My GP says "There are 70 year olds, and there are 70 year olds." Which I interpret as some being fit and active, some stuck in a chair drooling, and everything in between. So far I`m in the first group, but that`s, as said, "so...
  15. BruceK

    Lithium Ion Tool Battery Fires

    Thread is obviously not about LifePo4. News is reporting and publicizing, I believe at the request of the Fire and Rescue, the frequency of LI fires, the dangers, and improving safety. It`s appropriate and informative, it could save a house, an apartment building or lives.
  16. BruceK

    Interesting boats

  17. BruceK

    Interesting boats

    Steber 38 Steber is a high quality long established small builder of fiberglass boats located in northern NSW State, for pleasure, commercial fishing, marine rescue organizations, police, etc. This is worth a look, downside is the single BMW diesel is stern drive. Other than that, it looks a...
  18. BruceK

    rudder question (marine trader 40 sundeck)

    And if it ever happens, twins owners have back up:) .
  19. BruceK

    rudder question (marine trader 40 sundeck)

    On an Island Gypsy, and I expect a GB, the rudder post is in the lazarette. By lifting the hatch it is easily accessed to fit the long steering arm to provide steering ability. Building over it without preserving access is not good.
  20. BruceK

    8D starting battery replacement

    It`s possible for the same 2 people to remove and replace the 8D beast. We`ve done it, requires planning, forethought, and step by step positioning of battery and people. One time the son at our shipwrights, alone, with ease, loaded an 8D onto his workboat, ferried it to our boat, lifted it off...
  21. BruceK

    Need to update my boat stereo.

    Some of you music enthusiasts could be posting on "Music Faves" in Harbour Chat.
  22. BruceK


    Simple commonsense but worth saying. A cause of injury oft cited in personal injury work claims is "working in a confined space". Contorted in a less than ideal position exerting force, the risk of injury rises. Good planning can help. Know your limitations and provocative activity. Eg, carrying...
  23. BruceK

    8D starting battery replacement

    We filled space in the box left after replacing the genset 6D with an AGM a little smaller. Used foam packing at hand but I`ve used pieces of wood previously, just make sure the replacement can`t slide. Make sure the terminal locations are the same. Prep sounds fine. Be careful using kids who...
  24. BruceK

    For Sale: ProNautic 12*50P charger

    FWIW, we have one, excellent charger.
  25. BruceK

    Any Hiptimco Owners Out There

    We were at "rustic" Dolphin Marina (now sold to "Luxury Houseboats") in Brooklyn, with great neighbours, before moving to Bobbin Head Marina. Not cheap but a very good marina. No pics at hand but current boat since 2020 is an Integrity 386 which owes a lot to the Island Gypsy 36 preceding it...
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