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  1. tiltrider1

    A Strange Bayliner 3388 — What Could Be Wrong?

    What you have found is an orphan. No one wants to buy it and the price reflects it. It is an accumulation of all the wrong things. Bayliner's bad reputation(unwarranted but perceived), Planing Hull that can't plane, extremely inefficient trawler hull. Orphans can be very good deals if you...
  2. tiltrider1

    Generator Operating Temperature?

    Your generator should have a high temperature shut off circuit. Since it is not shutting down it’s possible that your guage is reading incorrectly. The best way to determine this is with an IR Temperature Gun.
  3. tiltrider1


    It is a very simple system. You have a fuel pump, a compressor and a nozzle. The circuit board is the most expensive part but a failure here usually shows up in the LED display. What is he system doing?
  4. tiltrider1

    Eco worthy Batteries

    We saw -36 degrees this winter on land. The engine room was never below 39 degrees due to water temps being 49 degrees. Every manufacturer calls out their temperature range. Eco-worthy claims to be good to -4 degrees. I suspect they have a very thin margin with that claim were the claim of...
  5. tiltrider1

    Eco worthy Batteries

    I have only 9 months experience so far. The only negative I have to report is the lack of a cold temperature sensor to prevent charging during sub zero temperatures. In my world we never see sub zero temperatures so it is not an issue. If you do see sub zero temperatures this could be a...
  6. tiltrider1

    Kabola not heating rooms but heating water

    Sounds like your thermostat operates a relay that puts power to the Solenoids. I'm guessing the main power to the solenoids is turned off. Possible that you have several bad relays but less likely. I would follow the solenoids power wire back to these relays and see if you have voltage on the...
  7. tiltrider1

    Kabola not heating rooms but heating water

    If you are reading -12v then you are running the meter backwards to the current. Obviously you have voltage to the thermostat. Now you just need to follow the voltage to see where the break in the connection is occurring. Some were between the thermostat and the fan there is a...
  8. tiltrider1

    Kabola not heating rooms but heating water

    The voltage can not be negative. If you run it through your meter backwards it will read negative. How are you reading 12v. With a multimeter or is the thermostat reading -12v?
  9. tiltrider1

    SF to Seattle in a 1977 53 ft. wood trawler

    Ok, glad to hear that part is handled. Do you want to harbor hop by day or are you prepared to run around the clock to take advantage of good weather windows?
  10. tiltrider1

    Flat orientation of Starlink.

    I want to caution people on perceiving the benefits of flat vs angled. Sometimes one is going to perform better than the other. The satellites are not stationary nor are they evenly distributed. In fact the satellites are not all the same in abilities. The benefits between the two are going...
  11. tiltrider1

    conventional slip vs end tie

    One of the benefits of liveaboards, fewer sea life issues on the dock.
  12. tiltrider1

    Dc to dc charger

    If you have mixed battery chemistry then a dc to dc charger makes sense. If the chemistry is the same then directing the alternator to the house and using a smart ACR to charge the start batteries makes more sense.
  13. tiltrider1

    55 gallon drums as replacement fuel tanks?

    I am advising against doing this. You of course will make your own decisions. I am not sure if you have considered the costs to adequately secure round tanks to the boat. I am also not sure if you have considered the cost of welding attachments for filling, venting, fuel pickup, fuel return...
  14. tiltrider1

    Boat From Estate in Mexico... What Should I Do?

    There is much more to this story. What condition is the rest of the estate in? As to just this boat. Prices are currently falling so asking of $75,000 to $125,000 is not getting. Knock off 10% for broker fees. Knock off another 10% for being in Mexico and then add $25,000 in expenses to...
  15. tiltrider1

    SF to Seattle in a 1977 53 ft. wood trawler

    Just checking, you have a current survey that says she is seaworthy and insurance for the trip?
  16. tiltrider1

    conventional slip vs end tie

    End ties pro, easy docking, better view, less chance of conflict with neighbor, more privacy. End ties con, often more wind, more boat waves, higher risk of a hit and run, longer walk. A lot depends on the marina. Elliot bay marina, I would opt for the end tie. shilshole marina, I would...
  17. tiltrider1

    Seaplane vessel collision, Vancouver Harbour

    And exactly what is the definition of flying? Is it touching or not touching water? Is it only out of ground affect? Don’t you just love the gray areas.
  18. tiltrider1

    AC / Heater won’t start

    The fact that the water pump doesn’t turn on suggests that the compressor is fine. I still think it’s a transistor or burnt circuit board.
  19. tiltrider1

    AC / Heater won’t start

    Very likely a bad transistor or damaged circuit board. Get a multimeter and follow the electrons from the power in to the compressor and see where they stop.
  20. tiltrider1

    Seaplane vessel collision, Vancouver Harbour

    A Seaplane is first a plane and second a vessel. What this means is the Pilot must visually inspect the runway before attempting a take off or landing and determining that it is safe to proceed. This was his failure and the Canadian version of the NTSB will note this and list the cause of...
  21. tiltrider1

    Starlink Mount

  22. tiltrider1

    Seaplane vessel collision, Vancouver Harbour

    Designated area does not give the aircraft any privileges. In the end the Airplane will be given 75% of the blame since the boat was on his starboard. The Boat will be given 25% of the blame for failing to avoid a collision. From the video it is clear that both Captains failed to maintain...
  23. tiltrider1

    US citizen keeping boat in BC

    If you buy a boat in the US and avoid taxes by exporting it to Canada, I suspect the Canadians will want you to pay their taxes.
  24. tiltrider1

    US citizen keeping boat in BC

    I know US citizens who own US documented boats and they keep them in Canada full time. I do not know who or how much they pay for the privilege. I know US citizens who own Canadian registered boats and the boat stays in Canada full time. In fact, the boat can not come to the US because the...
  25. tiltrider1

    Boat Trader problem $339.15

    You are one and done. A broker is there every week.
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