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  1. Southx10

    Anchor chain twist

    Hello all having an issue with my anchor chain. First off we anchor most all the time and our cruising area is the east coast of the US. Water depths for anchoring is from 6 to 30 feet mostly 12 so normally 60 to 75 feet of chain. After anchoring for as little as 2 months when I put out more...
  2. Southx10

    Throttle /gear controls. Single vs double?

    Single or double lever. Been on trawler 4 years double lever both stations. Installed a Morse single on my sailboat 7 years before trawler and never looked back. Makes it IMPOSSIBLE to shift at high rpm. No need to even think/worry about it.
  3. Southx10

    Another "What Would You Do?"

    There's a lot of just dumb luck. So your opinion in is dont use the horn that is required along with required db ratings because they may not hear it. But use the radio that you are not even required to have. Use all that you have available but don't wait till you see the whites of their eyes...
  4. Southx10

    Another "What Would You Do?"

    Not to point fingers or call names. But I am amazed that people are afraid to use their HORN. It is there and required for a reason. I have 25 yrs cruising TOOO many captains dont want to be bothered by all that radio noise. It just interferes with their peaceful day on the water. Besides you...
  5. Southx10

    Propane usage whilst cruising

    Propane usage The only thing I can figure is most of you eat out alot or lots of PB&J. My wife and I are full time liveaboards, as in this is home 365. We have 2 20 pound and one 30 pound. The 20's are for galley an one 20 lasts about 6 weeks the 30 depends on how much we grill and or how...
  6. Southx10

    fridge - cooling only on batteries

    It made it 17 years. Cost of electronics maybe compressor plus cost of tech ( last week I couldn't spell refridgeerstion, now I are one) to install. Buy new with all new pieces and parts with all the latest and greatest technology. I once paid a certified tech $100.00 for the priviledge of...
  7. Southx10

    Decent horn for boat

    I believe you are confusing C02 Carbon Dioxide present in the air you breath to CO Carbon Monoxide a product of burning fossil fuels, deadly. The fiz (carbonation) in soda is Co2.
  8. Southx10

    What is the most stupid thing you have ever done on your boat?

    Impeller Got that one.beat maintenance change raw water impeller, started engine let it run and high temp alarm came on. Oops, didn't open thru hull, now another impeller.
  9. Southx10

    Run AC Watermaker off Inverter?

    Watermaker 12 amps of 115 volts AC from an inverter will cost you 144 amps of 12 vdc each hour it is making water. You better have a big battery bank and a way of replacing all those amps. You will be better off running your genset and make water, make hot water, charge a smaller battery...
  10. Southx10

    Major damage :(

    Hull damage That blocking is set wrong, the top board should be length wise to the keel to spread the load. Depending on boat length there should be at least 3 sets of blocking. The keel with enough blocking should support the boat. The stands keep the boat upright. Good Luck
  11. Southx10

    Whats your opinion?

    Boat name I just started reading this thread and haven't seen anyone being rude. Suggestions about height, font, location, easy to understand on vhf. Other than that it's your boat call it what ever YOU want. BOAT meets all the requirements just not very original. :socool:
  12. Southx10


    You have made that gator dangerous since it now equates humans with food and has no fear. They don't just relocate them they destroy them. You all have condemned this gator.
  13. Southx10

    Chain Twists

    I have an Ideal vertical windless and 150 feet 3/8" HT. My my normal anchoring is in10-12' so 60-70' of chain. In rare times when I need more chain I find the the chain starting at about 80-90' is twisted to the point it looks like the links are stacked. Had a horizontal and never had this...
  14. Southx10

    Who owns the survey?

    You bought a service from the surveyor no different than buying an oil change for your boat. The material and the service is yours. I've had many surveys and never signed a contract like that . I've had several that I and my insurance co. recieved an electronic copy.
  15. Southx10

    wooden trawler

    Wooden BOATS The only reason they they made wooden boats was they didn't have FIBERGLASS TREES. Wood was the best material at the time ( WAS ). You better deep pockets or lots of serious Talent and Time and Desire.
  16. Southx10

    Windlass and anchor recommendation

    NEVER, EVER go bare chain to the boat. But in one blow I lost 2 snubbers.
  17. Southx10

    Windlass and anchor recommendation

    Ground tackle I have a ,little over 50,000 miles under the keel. My wife and I have been through 7 Hurricanes togerher + 1 more for me last one was Irma. Not bragging just stating facts. Most of those were in a 36', 22,000 lb sailboat. The last 2 were in our 40' 30,000 trawler. Ground tackle on...
  18. Southx10

    MS 34 Trawler broaching

    I once had a fishing trawler(net drager) stop in front of me in the Cape May canal. I hailed the skipper and asked what was wrong and he said he was aground. I went to panic mode not wanting to go aground. He chuckled and said to come around him he drew ELEVEN FEET, his trawler was 40 to 45 ft...
  19. Southx10

    FOUND President 42' trawler project $6,000

    Sorry, but if you are at GCSM, take a walk through the yard and you will see lots of dead dream boats. Unless you are retired you will be working on the boat on weekends. If one project would take 2 weeks that's 14 days and that translates into almost 2 months of weekends. If they haven't...
  20. Southx10

    Documentation No Location Question & Poll

    I have been boarded 4 different times by US Coast Guard had multiple surveys both purchase and insurance.. DOC NO. Has been on hull inside settee, on bulkhead under Nav station. USCG didn't look or ask. Surveyor, asked, looked but never made a coment. Local LEO's generally asked where my state...
  21. Southx10

    Adding Mast and Sails to Trawler

    I watched a 45 ft wood ketch flying a spinnaker single handed. It was a beautiful sight right up till he lost control. His boat was being dragged sideways rail down. He finally cut a sheet line to save his boat. Flying a spinnaker is not for the inexperienced or short handed. Seriously buy...
  22. Southx10

    Taping and varnish question

    Hi Tangler. I respectfully disagree with. I find 3m original blue is inexpensive not cheap. I tried frog twice but went back to 3m blue. If I need crisp lines I will burnish the edge with the bowl of a metal teaspoon. Watch it cause it will get hot. I don't do teak that's the wife's thing. I'm...
  23. Southx10

    Taping and varnish question

    The question you have to ask yourself is: How much do you trust yourself to sand only the teak and not the fiberglass. The tape gives you a little protection from, oops.
  24. Southx10

    Paint suggestions.

    I can't even imagine wearing all of that in 90 degree temps. I prefer roll and tip, just easier to me and less dangerous.
  25. Southx10

    Taping and varnish question

    3m blue tape at H Depot is $4.00. Use it for awlgrip, bottom paint, varnish, hell I've used it for a temporary band aid. I"ve left it on for up to 3 weeks(not the band aid) in Fl summer and winter. If it rains, let it dry, don't pull it wet. I seldom have problems but if you get into a tough...
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