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    Southwest Florida coast knowledge

    If you like to anchor out 10,000 islands is worth the stop. I must say we much prefer Marathon along with the middle Keys and upper Keys to Key Weird, I mean Key West. If all you want to do is party go to Key West. If you want relaxed island time the rest of the Keys are great.

    Anyone Done Galveston to Mobile (outside)

    We are in Clear Lake for the winter and will be leaving in Late February or early March to return to Florida. We came the GICW but would rather make day hops on the outside if it is possible. 50 to 70 mile days. Has anyone here actually done this? I know there are oil rigs and barges and ships...

    Motorhome vs. Trawler

    Kevin that is a good point about most boats being unoccupied verses an RV. I imagine when we start the rving thing we will do it much like we boat and rarely enter a park/marina.

    Motorhome vs. Trawler

    Ksanders said to Marin "Your post is exactly how we feel. We cannot imagine paying to park a rig 10 feet from another rig, and then then dealing with the hassles as some grumpy old fart lets his little dog roam because it's "cute" while giving us the evil eye because my German Shepherd is...

    Motorhome vs. Trawler

    There is an RV for everyone.

    The Finest Hours

    Here is the trailer.



    Anchor Rode Poll

    "Yup .. the hernia factor got me. Actually it was pellet sacks. The ideal rode as seen through my eyes is 75% line, 25% chain and 3' of cable. But 100% chain is just a waste. It is convenient though and many to most use it for that reason. Or perhaps to be a member of the big boy club." Eric...

    Flying Dingy

    Wow, I did not know they were made and sold commercially. At first I was wondering if some photoshop was going on and then decided it was real but home built. You learn something new every day. I don't think I am gutsy enough to try it. It would be fun to watch though.
  10. READY2GO

    Flying Dingy

    Don't know if this has been posted before. Sorry if it has.
  11. READY2GO

    We did it.

    Congratulations and have a good trip.
  12. READY2GO

    To Those Unsure if it is Time to Go

    Came across the quote below the other day and thought it was fitting. When we left a little over five years ago we were very unprepared financially, but we knew it was time to go. We have not regretted it for a minute. You will always have bills and troubles, you will never have the perfect...
  13. READY2GO

    SV Dagny is adrift in the Gulf Stream

    I don't condone his unpreparedness but at least he had a go. Lots of people dream from their couch and never get off it.
  14. READY2GO

    Anchor Rode Poll

    The intent of the thread was to see what kind of rode people use. It has fulfilled that and a discussion of why they use what they do has ensued. As the op of this thread I see no drift.
  15. READY2GO

    Listing price increase?

    Tim, you said it was for sale at a different location. Maybe they moved the boat to a location where they think it will sell for a higher price and or quicker. Maybe previously the owner was in a tight spot and wanted to sell it fast but it didn't and now he has more time to wait for the right...
  16. READY2GO

    Anchor Rode Poll

    I really don't think what fishing boats do or don't do is relevant. As time is money I imagine they are either fishing or underway to unload their catch. In contrast we as pleasure boater/cruisers may anchor for days on end. Their is a recent thread about taking a beating on a mooring from...
  17. READY2GO

    Anchor Rode Poll

    Parks, thanks for that. Very good article. The thing with anchoring is there are so many variables that it is difficult to make hard and fast rules. Example: There is not much of an angle difference between 6:1 and 10:1 but there is a difference in how the boat will ride in a blow depending on...
  18. READY2GO

    Anchor Rode Poll

    I probably should have specified on the primary as I imagine most who have two anchors use a combination rode for the second anchor. We have 200' G4 5/16" for the primary and a combination rode of 20' 5/16" chain and 200' of 1/2" 3 strand nylon for the secondary. Interesting results so far...
  19. READY2GO

    Anchor Rode Poll

    Thinking of comments from another thread I thought it might be interesting to see what people use for their anchor rode.
  20. READY2GO

    Anchor setting Videos

    That is understandable, but not the norm for gulf coast, Florida or Bahamas. If you are anchoring in !00' of water at 3 to 1 you have 300' of chain which is a lot of weight besides the anchor. I think a short scope would work better in deep water than shallow water.
  21. READY2GO

    Anchor setting Videos

    Sorry but I do not understand people wanting to use as short a scope as they can get away with. I always use a minimum of 5 to 1 and if I have the room 10 to 1. It is only a matter of how long I hold the button down. Might be different if I had no windlass, but I do. Ground tackle and it's...
  22. READY2GO

    New Member - First Post

    Welcome aboard.
  23. READY2GO

    Those transiting the New Orleans area

    We found this site while traveling the ICW to Clear Lake and found it very helpful. It is nice to have lock contact info and the current status of the lock or flood gate long before you get there. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers New Orleans District: Lock Status Summary
  24. READY2GO

    IHNC (Industrial Canal) Lock closing for repair

    Here is a link to the lock conditions and contact info. INNER HARBOR NAVIGATIONAL CANAL LOCK Status - New Orleans District - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  25. READY2GO

    IHNC (Industrial Canal) Lock closing for repair

    No they didn't. Might be able to get more info from the lock office than the locktender but the office was closed today.
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