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  1. J

    Help with my Trawler search.

    We are in a similar situation, with retirement looming, we're looking. We're flying up to Baltimore to trawlerfest look at boats. I did notice they've posted a list of boats that will be there, some of which we are interested in. I don't think I saw any Nordhavn's on the list, which was a bit of...
  2. J

    Helmsman 38E Build Hull 61

    That's a great idea to mount that outside of the electrical panel. Plus it kind of looks cool!
  3. J

    Mariners Skipper Course

    I'm in a bit of a holding pattern in terms of getting our boat. Hopefully that will change soon, maybe in the coming year. In the mean time, I'll be attending trawler fest and trying to gain experience any way I can to make use of the time. I ran across this course, The Mariners Skipper Course...
  4. J

    I told her I didn't want to buy a boat!

    Jeez, do you think my wife and your wife could be friends? My wife is warming up to the idea but it'd be a huge help if there was somebody else pushing her along besides me.
  5. J

    Twin Diesels versus single

    Been watching a ton of videos, great loop, bahamas, etc recently. Beyond the guy with the failed mooring ball in the BVI and the tornado in Italy, it's been running aground, hitting something submerged underway, running over fishing nets or crab pots, failed hydraulic steering pump and one sail...
  6. J

    Dragging Anchor

    Don't worry, I'm reading and learning, so even if the OP has gone radio silent, it's not going to waste. It's a good topic for me.
  7. J

    Rear-View Mirrors

    My solution would be to install cameras that show up on a screen in the pilot house. Great to be able to see what's coming up behind you and also really helps with docking stern in.
  8. J

    Twin Diesels versus single

    As a guy in the market for a boat, this makes sense to me. I'd prefer to only have to maintain and cary spares for one engine. I'm a newbie, but in watching a lot of videos from folks out on the loop, it seems like most, 80-90%, of the "show stopper" problems stem from hitting something...
  9. J

    Testing a mooring buoy

    Thanks for that. Makes sense. One youtuber (forget which one) recommended tying up with a snubber/bridle, puting the boat in reverse at the lowest throttle setting and watching the chartplotter. When it reaches 0.0 knots, hold in that position for 60 seconds. If it stays at 0.0, then he...
  10. J

    Testing a mooring buoy

    No, mooring ball, not anchor.
  11. J

    Testing a mooring buoy

    Being a newbie, and having read the recent thread of the guy who lost his boat to a failed mooring buoy in the BVI, I have a question. What is the proper way to assess the safety of a mooring buoy? Lot's of places won't allow you to throw out an anchor, so, if you want to stay there, you don't...
  12. J

    Big sailboat sunk by tornado

    From an article I just ran across: What is the danger of being hit by a waterspout? The energy from the winds in a waterspout can cause damage and injury, but the biggest risk involves a so-called knock-down, which can tear off a boat’s mast. While yachts are generally more difficult to...
  13. J

    Insurance and Salvage

    I did find it interesting how the salvage companies operate and charge. I didn't know that. Sounds like the moral to the story is don't allow anything to happen where one has to deal with them.
  14. J

    Insurance and Salvage

    He left a lot unsaid about the insurance side of things. I'm curious to know what the problem was from that end.
  15. J

    Insurance and Salvage

    Some of you may remember this guy who had his Aquila motor cat destroyed when a moring ball let loose in the BVI. He just posted a video explaining how it all worked out. Insurance denied salvage claim, salvage company went after him for $500k and he ended up losing the boat. Crazy stuff:
  16. J

    Do new boat builders get off too easy?

    A few weeks? That has to be exciting! Please post a lot of pics, looking forward to seeing that one!
  17. J

    Helmsman 38E Build Hull 61

    I'd run that by Scott. If there is some faulty materials used with new suppliers, I'm sure he'd want to know about it. My guess is sooner the better.
  18. J

    Taking delivery of my 38E in coming days -- pick your brains!

    Ahhh, I was wondering where the ottoman's came from after seeing your boat. They just seemed to fit so perfectly, like they came from the factory that way. Now I know! When I order mine, we will most definitely be getting those.
  19. J

    Helmsman 38E Build Hull 61

    Boat looks great. Windows in the forward birth look great! Hope they get the teething problems sorted out soon. I'm sure they will.
  20. J

    DMS Install Photos

    Have you had a chance to really test it out yet and form an opinion as to it's effectiveness?
  21. J

    Another new start for Helmsman

    What are your thoughts about the reverso? Worth the investment?
  22. J

    The Case for Going Slow

    Back when I had my express cruiser, I'd fly across the lake every now and then, but it was far more comfortable and enjoyable to cruise at 7 knots, which was mostly how I used it.
  23. J

    Another new start for Helmsman

    Love those! They look perfect! BTW - I am a watch guy, I have a small collection. One of the players in the watch community, a German company called Wempe (pronounced "Vempe"), makes very high quality marine clocks. Worth taking a look at if you want something really special for your boat...
  24. J

    Autonomous marine travel

    Maybe, but keep in mind the whole "thing" about AI is it is constantly learning, not only from it's own experience, but from every other AI related device it has contact with. Over time, it will be safer than a pro, as it gathers data from every other pro and non pro. That's the idea anyway.
  25. J

    Autonomous marine travel
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