PM - Personal Message - How to send one?

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Caballero II

Senior Member
Mar 12, 2017
Vessel Name
Caballero II
Vessel Make
Grand Banks Classic 36
I cannot figure out how to PM someone. I thought we used to click on the members picture to the left, and post our message to them. The person who posted favorably about has not responded to my query about and incomplete description of a link belt for a Lehman 120. I want to pursue adding such to my supplies, but have not been able to message him, since he has not responded to my post in that thread. I have to say, I hope this new format helped the site, but there is a learning curve I have not been able to get past. Thanks for help.
Click on the avatar and then do a “start conversation “.
Commodave, thanks for the tips. So, somehow "Personal Message" of PM became "Start Conversation". How did you know this? We're there instructions somewhere that I missed. I'm going to chalk it up to another example of how the internet fails us. Come on, how would we know that "Start Conversation" means to have a private conversation with the author? Not done well and I'm, as usual, very disappointed with upgrades that fail to notify of significant differences.
No problem, I don’t like the new format but they didn’t ask me so…


They did not ask us old guys cause they are hoping the youngsters will enter boating forums if it was more familiar.
Commodave, thanks for the tips. So, somehow "Personal Message" of PM became "Start Conversation". How did you know this? We're there instructions somewhere that I missed. I'm going to chalk it up to another example of how the internet fails us. Come on, how would we know that "Start Conversation" means to have a private conversation with the author? Not done well and I'm, as usual, very disappointed with upgrades that fail to notify of significant differences.
There is a TF section titled " How To Use The Forum" that includes updated instructions for the new software.
Post #13 outlines the PM / Conversation feature.

Anyone having difficulty or questions re the new S/W would do well to at least scan through the above post.
In general most agree the improved features & functionality outweigh the downsides. That's not to ignore the learning curve and adjustment period we are all facing... even us Mods.

With the change from PM to Conversation comes the ability to attach files / pics to Convrrsations... a feature many inquired about but was not possible w the old S/W
Renaming PMs "Conversations" makes no sense cuz what are forum discussions if not conversations???
"Private message" (PM) has been and still is the recognized term everywhere on the 'net with the exception of this site and possibly a few others who feel compelled to "reinvent the wheel." I've been active all over the net since the mid-90s...I've never seen PMs renamed "Conversations" anywhere else.

I find the new format far less engaging and by my judgement of message counts and variety it would seem I may not be the only one.
Is "conversation" is a "nicer" word than "private message", with its worrying overtones of what might occur "in private"? Is the "conversation" actually "private"? Was it ever? Long live semantics!
In the leadership roles I have held in my life change just for change sake was never a good thing. Change should be for a positive reason. IMO.
In general most agree the improved features & functionality outweigh the downsides. That's not to ignore the learning curve and adjustment period we are all facing... even us Mods.
If you say so. Mine must be a minority opinion, on this at least. I have been giving the new format time to grow on me, and you are no doubt right that there have been improvements that have escaped my notice. Due respect and gratitude to the Mods, such as your estimable self, Don. But honestly, it continues to feel clunky and just overall less satisfactory.

I lack any data to back this up, but even after the initial re-launch hiccups dwindled, the level of participation and engagement on the Trawler Forum has seemed slow to bounce back. Some long time members have passed away, others have moved on to new interests. That happens, and I am not jumping ship or suggesting a course reversal. Trying to be a good citizen of the Forum and roll with the punches. Still, the new TF format was a solution to a problem that never caught my attention.

Anyway, thanks to the Moderators for carrying on, and to emerita coaches like Comodave and Larry.
This thread has drifted a bit from the narrow topic of how to message another member to more generic critique of the new
TF software system.
To be clear, I was not involved with either the evaluation, decision, or implementation of the new forum software. I will simply provide some insights from a Mod and user perspective that might help explain some of the Why's...

TF is only one of many Social Knowledge Forums and there are others much larger. As such we tend to ride the bus vs drive it.
Members and mods have requested & suggested many changes over recent years. Some were quick & easy and got implemented quickly, others were more complicated and were held for the replacement of our older and outdated forum software.
I can only guess but have to believe SK and our Admins would not and did not "invent" the forum software and develop the code that drives the forum and its features. Instead they chose an existing, available system and tailored the graphics and features to best resemble our TF Forum while incorporating the "improvements" / features that were available by moving to a new system.
I can't disagree that the difference between PMs and Conversations is semantics. Realize that some platforms use different terms to mean essentially the same thing... Personal Msg, Direct Msg, Instant Msg being an excellent example... why call them different names? I will guess that if one platform used identical terms for features they would be charged with patent / copyright infringement and forced to cease & decist.

I don't mean to argue with any of the sentiments expressed about the new system... only to present some perspectives to consider.
In the world of technology change is inevitable and WE get to decide how WE respond... some are early adopters... some are slower and take time to figure things out... others refuse and check out as they are unable to accept and adapt to change.

An excellent book on dealing with the very challenge of change is "Who Moved My Cheese?" By Specer Johnson is summarized well with this 12 min You Tube video... which type of individual are you? When faced with change.
Don, I find the video insulting to those discussing a simple preference for PM v. conversation. It is a self help book. Are you saying that unless we accept what is given (change) that we need help?
Change for the sake of change is the only way to describe PM to conversation. No added value or omprovement. A new name for something that does exactly the same thing as before only suggests there was an improvement.
Changing IT platforms is never easy -- for users or implementers.
It's also expensive, so such a change is not a decision taken lightly. I'm sure much time was spent by those invested confirming that, in the big picture, the overall benefit of the new platform outweighs the cost and the disruption to all. No, it's never a perfect one-size-fits-all solution for everybody, but it's progress in forward, in general. Yes, there are a few features of the old platform I miss. But I am willing to bet the new platform is FAR more flexible/configurable in the back end than the old platform. In other words, if we users take the time and effort to make a POLITE and clear case to introduce, change, bring back or enhance a feature, there's likely a possibility it will happen. Personally, I am generally pleased with this new platform. Only a few niggles, but nothing so important that I have been compelled to expend the effort complaining about them.
Don, I find the video insulting to those discussing a simple preference for PM v. conversation. It is a self help book. Are you saying that unless we accept what is given (change) that we need help?
Change for the sake of change is the only way to describe PM to conversation. No added value or improvement. A new name for something that does exactly the same thing as before only suggests there was an improvement.
Sorry if my post was taken personally - no intent to infer anyone needed help.
I think ScottC, in his above post, expressed it better than I - the TF Admins did not make a whole series of individual changes they felt were improvements but rather chose a whole new forum platform to operate with.
Some of the features remain the same (or very similar), Some are completely new, some names are different but the feature remains the same or with some enhancements but are now named differently (Conversation vs PM; Resource vs Library)

The key point is this was a change of the forum platform not a series of "tweaks" to the old system...

The Mods are faced with a parallel set of changes we are in the process of adjusting to and learning how to use effectively. Some of the changes are truly new & Improved while others cause some confusion or consternation. In total/balance, I think the system upgrade is an improvement...

The unwillingness to upgrade an old clunky forum platform is the reason many of us abandoned Yahoo and why Yahoo forums ultimately failed.
Thanks. As one who uses a computer daily for work and play I can adapt to any change. I am also aware that many people have trouble learning to operate one system before an update changes it.
Therefore this PM to conversation is one change that will affect many and thus my comment, it was unnecessary. But the PC crowd has and will continue to make changes in all areas of our lives needed or not, we just have to adapt.

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