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    • darnold
      darnold replied to the thread Moorage cost search.
      Not aware of anything in our area Victoria/Vancouver. However with Mosquito Creek shutting down last year moorage has become a bit of a...
    • darnold
      darnold replied to the thread Grand Banks.
      I have one of the early wood 36 foot 73's. I believe that other models were wood for longer, but do not know this for sure.
    • darnold
      darnold replied to the thread Dumb Charging Question.
      You are spot on, after the experience this season the current plan is to move one of the batteries to my RV to replace the FLA house...
    • darnold
      darnold replied to the thread Dumb Charging Question.
      Except the solar can do the final top off of your batteries in silence while trying to do that with a generator takes a very long time...
    • darnold
      darnold replied to the thread Gulf Islands recommendations.
      I stand corrected! It just seems that every time we go to Tumbo we get chased out after a few days by a NW wind. Last time it was NW...
    • darnold
      darnold replied to the thread Gulf Islands recommendations.
      If you get to Brentwood Blue's Bayou Cafe is worth a visit. If you go Saturday you can watch Butchart's Gardens fireworks and catch a...
    • darnold
      This is a bit DIY but I have found it works really well for what I need. I used two Sea-Dog 327199-1 rail mount clips and two pieces of...
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